• I’m more than you know
    But it never shows,
    Because in my heart
    I’ve closed the door.

    Every night
    I cry,
    Wishing to take back
    All of my lies.

    I always hide myself
    Behind a mask.
    Bottling all my emotions,
    I place them on a shelf.

    Pretending to smile,
    When all the while
    My lies have run
    For more than a mile.

    Masking all I feel,
    I'll pretend that my happiness
    Is real.

    You’re thinking I’m a carefree girl,
    When really in this cruel world,
    Is anger and sadness that I’ll forever hold
    In my heart that has been turned to stone.

    Shadows are where I’ve always been.
    Everything I’ve done
    Has been a sin.

    Crying tears of shame at night
    While holding to my dear heart tight,
    I watch as the rain drops fall
    As I sink lower into the floor.

    I look into the starry sky,
    Every night wondering,
    Who am I?"