"Welcome men my name is paining sorrow but to you people you may as well call me captain pain,any questions, oh yeah and sorry for the ship rocking so awkwardly." "I have a question why do we call you captain pain?" said one of the crew members. captain pain starts to laugh. "You don't know why they call me captain pain!?" Everyone starts to tremble in fear. "You men are the worst of all people I've ever met even people who don't know me exactly know the name captain pain!" While every person in the room is to afraid to move a muscle one boy found the courage to raise his hand to ask a question. "Wasn't the man named captain pain a notorious killer or something?" "At least you know a little bit of captain pain." "I shall tell you the story about my life let this be a lesson to each and everyone one of you." "Before i was given the name captain pain i was named something that gave everyone nightmares just by hearing my name." "My old name was Gothic 1098," said captain pain. Everyone in the room gasps in shock."Your Gothic 1098, the man who killed all 1097 Gothic robots!" said the boy. "i was Gothic 1098 now i'm not,"said captain pain dreadfully. "After i killed all the 1097 Gothic robots i was in need for something new but i didn't know what but i wanted something humans had that i didn't have". I was in search of for that one thing so i kept on killing humans to reach my goal of getting their "artifact", but every time i killed them their "artifact" would go away from me as if it was escaping me"." finally i ran into this man named Csfranklin2 who i fought with but lost i finally thought that i would "die" without reaching my goal but surprisingly he spared my "life". "I told Csfrankin2 why do you spare me even though I already killed millions of your kind!" "Csfranklin2 told me that i was a great "thing" that would one day surpass him one day." "I was so shocked at what he told me finally i understood what the artifact was it was happiness, because for the first time i felt happy i wasn't cast aside as a monster as i was before i met him." Everyone captain pain was talking to looked so happy. "Wipe that smirk off your face or I will do it for you," Threatened captain pain. "as i was saying, Csfranklin2 told me that he was going to make a army of people in a year and i will join him or else he would regret letting me live."That is all i'm going to tell you men because that is all you need to know about me." Everyone now stopped their smiling and started to give frowns. "Can you tell us one more thing about you captain?" "fine,ask me a question," I said. "Did you ever make the army?" "Yes we did and guess what you are part of the army." Everyone watches as Captain pain walks down to the bunkers in the warship with a fiendish smile on his face. "We are about to reach land men get ready for the battle of your lives!" Captain pain starts to laugh a evil smile. "Wait are you telling us that you made us set sail for 10 days just so you can kill us!?" "No i brought you here to test your skills see if your army material" captain pain starts to laugh so evilly that every man feels like they died and came back. One of the crew members punch captain pain in face. Captain pain just laughs and all of a sudden the crew member goes flying off and when he lands it shows that his whole body has a hole in the middle of it. The ship has reached the land and all the enemies starts to run toward the boat. "This is suicide" said one of the crew members."for you men not for me." "now leave before your enemies cut you down" The crew members start to run at their enemies and cut them down one by one. After every enemy died the crew members walked back to the ship and rested. While every person was resting captain pain went into the captain's cabin and waited to get a message from his master Csfranklin2. "How did the crew members do paining," asked Csfranklin2. "They are the only people who were able to kill the aztecian warriors". "Wow they must have much potential in them," said Cs. "i don't believe in potential the only reason why they lived is because their will to live was higher than the aztecs," replied captain pain. " You were one that always believed that humans were scum and you still do," said Cs. "I don't think they are scum i think they are fascinating but these men they are awkward," replied captain pain. "These men will be your new teammates don't get them killed or else!" After that Csfrankin2 left. Captain pain was unaware that the little boy was listening to the whole conversation. After the little boy heard captain pain's footsteps he started to run as fast as he can. Captain pain could hear the boy running but the reason why he didn't kill the boy was that when he told Csfranklin2 that the crew was awkward he meant that the boy was awkward. When the ship finally hit headquarters captain pain asked the boy if he would accept his training, the boy looked in shock and shouted yes. After many years of training the boy became a a young man at least 24 years old so captain pain was no 34. The army was now in war with a army called mongols of the east. the army they were having war with was very good in swordsmanship so our army relied on firepower, captain pain was the only one who fought with a sword. "We are loosing this war pain," shouted Csfranklin2. "We just can't have our men dying so quick." " I know, don't worry Cs i will get this straightened out I already got a base close to enemy headquarters," replied captain pain. "How did you get this base," asked Csfranklin2. "I bought it for 100k," said captain pain. "That seems a little bit small for a base, are you sure that we can win this war with this base?" "Yes i am sure we will win let me give it a chance." "Alright but take your crew with you just in case if it is a trap ok." After that captain pain took his crew to the base and they inspected it to see if anything would be a danger to them. After they inspected it they began to make the plans for taking over the world, but the enemy's leader got their whole army and was about to destroy the base. "Get out of there and we might let you live," laughed the leader and his army. "Master what do we do!?" asked the boy. Captain pain sighed and said it is my duty to keep you men alive even if me life depended on it that was my orders 10 years ago, and i still follow that order so leave through the secret door on the floor and I will fight them off, I will fight them off. "But master you will die if you don't come with us!" "follow this order boy, it will be the first and last order from me to all of you so please follow it." Everyone began to leave except for the boy. "boy will you do me a favor?" Anything master anything." "Please tell this story to everyone you know tell it to you children and let them tell it to their children and so on, and one more thing train my reincarnation the methods of fighting ok." "Yes master i will do this." The boy starts to leave the master and doesn't look back. The walls break open and captain pain starts to chop up all the enemies and after he killed a few thousands he jumped up and chopped off the leader's head off. Everyone looked at him in shock. "My name is captain pain but since i am about to die you may call me Jason Bloodsmen. After that Jason died and everyone came back to his body and put it in a cemetary now named the blood cemetary.
- by paining sorrow |
- Non Fiction
- | Submitted on 11/04/2011 |
- Skip

- Title: the story of captain pain
- Artist: paining sorrow
the story of me fighting valiently
(i know the english is very bad i put this on to entertain) - Date: 11/04/2011
- Tags: story captain pain
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