• Well...
    Things happen for a reason... Yeah yeah yeah Life is a b***h sometiems but only sometimes
    You can still have good times... Just depending on what happen or who you are with or the mood you are in.. Like i know am young but i know a lot of things sadly...
    But in a way it's a good thing i love helping people out with things like people come to me with there problems... I find a way to make them feel better no matter what it is thats making them feel like s**t.
    Okay... well hopefully this post will help you and make you feel better in any way...here it goes(:

    Once you get older and older, you start realizing life gets harder and complicated. Listen to your parents, when they say only true friends will help you till the near end. They will always help you, and make you feel better when your not in your best mood. They will make you laugh and enjoy having you as company. As for friends that don't care will just tell you about their things and just leave you alone to go off with others and tease or talk about you or your other good true FRIENDS!


    Everything Happens For A Reason If its Meant To Be Its Meant To Be, You Know Well Live Life At Its Highest Today And Everyday Until Death Remember You Only Live Once In this World As Youu! So Be yourself Never Let Anyone Change youu You Are Perfect The Way You Are And Marilyn(me) Loves You All(: And Member Life Wasnt Created To Be Easy There Are UPs And DOWNs But We Live Trough them... Always member this....

    I Hope this helped you just maybe a little bit hope you have a wonderful day
    If you need anything just pm me and ask me things i promise ill answer any of your questions. Just know even if your not my friend am here for you

    - Marilyn(me)