I stared at the sky, mind wandering, and watched the puffs of white slowly glide by. Leaning back, I let the wind flow through my hair and cool my warm skin as the sun beat down around me. The field of dreams was the best place I knew of to go and think about just everything, and I'm was there often. Today I was there trying to make a decision that would change my entire life and my perspective on the world.
I thought of her...her brown eyes shining as she looked at me...i wondered if she was ok. She had left my house only a few days ago but my restrictions of talking to her made it difficult to know how she was doing at home. I knew her mother would be more than just upset and I wasn't sure how much of that anger would be taken out on her...and that scared the s**t out of me. I couldn't take the thought of her being hurt...and yet i hurt her myself. I'm such a hypocrite.
Tears began to slide down my face as i remember the pain in her eyes when she found out my lie...I never saw her in so much pain. But my love for her was still so incredibly strong and i couldn't help but try to contact her in any way i could. So, in the days that passed after she left, I tried everything i could think of to try and talk to her...her mom, however, found every way to stop me. I wasn't sure what she really thought of me anymore, with her mother speaking for her all the time. Did she hate me? Or did she still, by some way of a miracle, love me? Only she could tell me and she couldn't speak to me.
As i pondered these things, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Slowly, and without thinking, i pulled it out and clicked the "view" button. My heart jumped when i read the email text that was showing on my phone: "You there?..." It was her. I wiped away the tears and replied quickly: "Of course. I'm always here for you..."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
After The Battle
Just a piece of a book I'm writing called "Lying: The Teenager's Definition"
I could go into the whole story as to what this is about but it's too complicated.
If your really interested, friend me and keep an eye on my journal. I'll put up updates and let everyone know when the book is done. Thanks for reading this. Means a lot.
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