• one day i told someone that i hate children. they said "you were once a child..." i thought about that. i looked back to when i was younger, and hated my past self. then it became a question of do i hate children because i hate my past self? or do i hate my past self because i hate children? anyways later on i went to a baseball game, and sitting one row down from me, was a small child. my first thought was "dammit" but after a few minutes, he didn't annoy me. so i continued to watch the game. later his mother (i assume) started talking to him in that 'baby voice.' you know the one. she aked him "Do you want french fry? it's yummy yummy." and that annoyed the hell out of me. thats when i had a thought. perhaps it's the way parents talk to their children, that makes me hate them. the way they talk to their children, make the children act in a way that annoys me. thats just a thought. take it or leave it.