The Beginning
Running, that's all they ever do now. They run, I chase, they hide, I find them and they die. That's all, no thrill, no excitement, I don't feel the rush that pumps my blood anymore. My eyes are as lifeless as the body that lay before me and my heart just as cold. I wonder why this does not bother me anymore, why is it that i can just shake this off as an ordinary occurrence. I no long hesitate to slice my prey (yes i call them my prey. Isn't is that what they call the hunted. Which make me the hunter) throat. The cold steel of my blade pierces their flesh, warming my blade as it reaches across to the other side. Swift and accurate, no blood will spill that does not need to, unless i hunger for it.
My prey that lies before me have been one of many victims that my thirst hunger for, it's life that slows drip away feeds my need for blood even more. The more the blood flows out the more I want to slice his life away.As I look down on the body that lay before me, it began to rain. As if the heavens above is crying for one of their own have been taking away. I walked away from this site, I am done here, there is no need to be here any longer. The more i stay here the more I remember the feelings that I have buried deep with my frozen heart all those years ago. Where I have been in their place and someone was walking away from me.
Where I am the one clinging for life, begging the Gods above to spare my life. Let me live so I can continue with my miserable life.I smirk, no longer smiling for it would have shown weakness. Back then I was better off dead but in my life, I should have known fate would have something else in store for me. I guess the Gods or who ever up their fail to appoint me a guardian angel but rather a guardian devil. The one who save my life and gave me this sorry excuse for a life. The one that has been like a mother to me (both heaven and hell knows that my birth mother was an drunken whore), a sister and a mentor. She was everything to me and I was just a puppet to her. She uses me to do her work, but I don't mind, it gives me a reason to live and a sense of fulfillment.
She was beautiful, her faces was that of an goddess. I was soft and harden like a warrior she was. She have a body that men will die for (I nearly did a couple of times) even thought she was petite and have very little muscle, she was a strong or stronger than any man could ever be. Her cream like still shone best in the moon light as if she was the moon herself. He hair in all it's greenish-black flow down to her waist as if it was complementing her skin, while clinging to the side of her face with intensity. But the most unique and deadly feature about her was her eyes. Those piercing golden eye, stare right into the soul of any man or beast. Reading their life story as if you would do an open book. They say when you look in to her eyes it is as if you are looking at death itself. The very essence of hell is in her eyes and nothing can escape the vortex of her eyes.
This devil as many called her save me, a helpless child to live in this cruel world. I call myself a child even though my 20th birth is today but to my mentor who have seen my death, wars and chaos then I can imagine. I am nothing but. Before I realize it, I reach my destination. At the end of the alley way where my prey have fallen my mentor waits, to either kill me or to let me life another day. For this kill was different from the others that she has given me. This kill would determine if i get to live confortable with my mentor inside the organization or die like the tratior that I just have recently kill. If she sees that I have shown mercy in my eyes even after the kill, my life would end right there and then. There is no room for mercy in the organization or in her heart. Makes me wonder why did she let me live all those years ago. I rather not ask or my life would have ended a long time ago.
She continue to stand there looking into my eyes, while i reminse about why am I alive. Her eyes priecing into my soul to see if I am worth of being apart an world where anything or anyone can turn one you any second. Why would I want to go into that world, ....well it was a hell of alot better then the world I was living in before. The she close her eyes for a moment, the silent was deafing, while the rain continue to pour. Our clothes was getting wet and cling to out bodies. Our hair flatting but the amount of water being poured on it. Then she open her eyes, those priecing golden eyes. She look at me with a glare that can freeze hell many time over. She gave me a small smile and then walk away.
I knew that had pass the test and that was in, I no longer left out, I belonged. I follow my mentor knowning she would leave me if i don't hurry up. But i stop one more time and look back. I whisper to the alley way that I had just can out from.
"Sorry brother" and walked away. My brother that I had look for from the time my life was saved. I had ended his life in order to keep mines going. Like they say : "There is no room for mercy" I saw my mentor stop but did not turn around she said to me
" Move forward, Yukimura" and continue walking.
"Yes, master Ryoko" and follow behind her. I no longer looked back after that day.
~~~To be continue~~~
A Chosen Path
This is chapter one of my story that I am working on. It is about an assasin that is worrk with a serct organization, But he want to know more than what he was train to do. So he sets out on a joruney that answers his inner most questions. This is his back story. Enjoy! Another copy of this is in my journal but i didn't conitue because i need editors and reviewers. But anyway Tell me what you think.
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