• What I have isn't much, but its enough to get through the day. I may cry, but i'll never run out of tears. I may want things, but I'll never beg to get them. I might be angry, but I'll never stop loving the ones i care about. You may say Im Imperfect, but to me, Im just fine. I may not be the "coolest" person in the world, but my friends think im Awesome. You might think Im weird, but im just funny.

    So yea i might wear skinny jeans with my sweater everyday. Only cause im Different, and i love being that way. You might work at Mcdonalds when you grow up, but im going places. Im not letting you let me think i cant do it, that im not good enough, cause i know i am. Just because im not Exactly like you, doesnt mean im going no where.