• I once red a quote that went something like this: Storybooks do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Story books only tell children that dragons can be killed... This quote made me think as many do and i thought that I had deciphered this quotes meaning: dreams exist and flourish if you allow them to but so many of us have given up hope and killed those dream, those...dragons...the true magic of this world. Sometimes i like to think of dragons because they remind me of another thought that i once had: WE may as well just be figments of imagination as small and useless as we are...but if we were not here, where would imagination come from? It agonizes me that we are in some way or another meant to be here when alot of times i fell that i should not be. I call my dark and depressive thoughts my "dark shroud" which i have noticed lately i seem to wrap around too many people and now that i look sadness face to face i wonder why the feeling even exists...as do we...