• Everythings come crashing down,
    Now he's the only one who can make me smile.
    First my mom's boyfriend goes back to that women,
    Second someone at my school might die.
    It's all coming crashing down,
    Here we thought that when my mom's boyfriend moved in it would be fun.
    All he did was cause more pain to us all,
    I didn't even know the girl in the hospital but I cried.
    I wish everything wasn't coming crashing down.
    I want to see his face, his smile.
    I don't want to go back to school,
    Yet I want to see his face.
    I almost cried at school today,
    I'm just so tired of it all but now everythings come crashing down,
    This makes it worse,
    It hurts worse,
    My world used to be so perfect but then this happened,
    Now my sister's boyfriend has become annoying to her.
    She's going to break up with him,
    Now don't you see that it's all come crashing down?