one day, there was this girl named cheeya. cheeya ityukii was a simple girl... she is not that ugly, and not that beautiful... she has a medium intellegence and is jolly.. she loves making friends. she is 2nd year highschool now... she is good in piano, guitar, and drawing.. she is also good in composing poets and songs. then, one day, summer vacation, she saw this guy, and she fell inlove. this guy was riyo. riyo was not ugly, but cute, and he is smart... then, they became friends, then cheeya asked for the celphone number of riyo.. riyo gave his cell no. and they texted each other.. cheeya's cousin, miel, was helping cheeya to be close with riyo.. then riyo and miel became friends and came up of a call... when they want to call someone, they will say "klok"! smile ) well... then, cheeya was angry because she thinks riyo was mad because her cousin is SOOOO ANNOYING... then... one day, she changed the name of riyo in her phonebook and it became 'roxanne'. she changed it because she knew abo ut riyo's feelings for her, and also, riyo knew about her feelings too... then, one day, her mother's attention was catched because cheeya was always handling her cell and always texting someone . neutral then, out of her mother's curiosity, she(her mother) looked at her inbox and it was FULL OF RIYO's MESSAGES! O: then, her mother read it one by one... then, she thought that 'roxanne' was a REAL girl!!! and the messages there were verryyy SWEETT!!! some says: 'u'll be beautiful in my eyes forever' and such.. then, one day, her mother scoled her and THOUGHT that CHEEYA was a TOMBOY?! O: O: O: eewww!!!! yucckk... then.... CONTINUES ON THE 2ND CHAPTER. biggrin
"everyday is my death"
well, i know of this girl, who's just simple and jolly... but then one day, she was inlove.. and she didn't want her mother to know that she was inlove and that she has a crush, so she changed the name in her phonebook and instead, she changed it into a girl's name and for her mother to think that it's her bff... but then, out of the curiosity of her mother, she read it.. find out what's next.. oh! nd her crush also has a crush on her :D :sweat:
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