• Creature Of My Heart

    His hands around me are warm but the night is freezing only his closeness can keep me from shivering. His lips to my throat his warm breath on my sensitive skin.. my heart pounds so loud in my chest I’m sure he can hear and feel it .this is my last night .the night to end all pain the night to feel only joy he stopped me once from doing what I wished .to take my self from him from the world all together he truly cared now with his arms wrapped tightly around my waist I cant remember why I wished to leave he’s my heart my sole the vary air I breath he is the one thing between me and the darkness. he is my creature of light .his ocean blue eyes stare into my forest green ones his hair as dark as night held back in a pony tail . his pale arms wrapped around me his gorges lips slid down my neck to the tip of my chin he slowly turns me around and places his lips to mine his breath so sweet my knees go week his eyes closed .I reach up and trace his face with my hand as his hind moves down my leg ever so slowly. I gasp as hi pulls my leg around his him” do you have any Idea how butiful you are in the moon light “I feel his lips move to my neck and feel the sweet joy of his teeth in my flesh. I mone and grasp hi neck as stars explode though me. I was like nothing that had ever happened to me here I was this strange girl being held by this gorges creator who excepted me as I was and love every flaw .at times I wonder why he would even waist his time .I never thought of my self as a pretty girl but he always said I was . and every time I saw him my heart melted in my chest he was my one true sole mate the other half to my sole he’s my stars in the sky and the only thing better then his arms around me is his lips on mine saying everything we never could express. My place is by his side as his is mine my love, my night, my guardian angle.


    Whit hands in tan , warm skin on cold , light and dark side by side , he is my knight on a white horse ,I am his mistress of darkness . he he gently pushes me to the bed being carful not to hurt me > “ my love are you sure you wish to do this I don’t wish to hurt you “ he whispered in a pained voice .” my love I’ve waited far to long for you as it is I can not wait any longer I need you .I need to feel your skin on my your lips to mine your heart pounding loudly for me just as mine dose for you. She said looking up into his blue eyes . vary well my love but if I hurt you must tell me you are vary fragile I don’t want to break you. I gasped as he push into me with on hard shove . I griped his back drawing blood. The room smelled of lust blood and him I wanted nothing more than to bear my fangs into his strong neck. His blood sang to me . he moved with a fast rhythm that had me griping him harder my mones turned to pants my pant were sorted but I knew he could hear them soon I felt such joy as the release came to us . I screamed my joy as I sored higher and higher I heard his growls of happiness as I sank my fangs into his neck he moned and life brust into a bond was formed be tween us I could hear his thoughts he was joyed to be with me he enjoyed my mouth on his skin his blood flowing into me joining us together in a way no one could ever fathom . I was happy in his arms only

    he moned and life brust into a bond was formed be tween us I could hear his thoughts he was joyed to be with me he enjoyed my mouth on his skin his blood flowing into me joining us together in a way no one could ever fathom . I was happy in his arms only