It wasn’t enough, my mother hated me, my sister wanted me dead and my own father never wanted me. But I couldn’t complain my life was actually good, great friends good grades and I was on a sport what more could I want with my life. I could never tell you that answer because I never figured it out myself. I won’t say that I never did drugs that I never drank or that I’ve never cut my body. I don’t regret doing any of it the physical pain took out the emotional pain.
I stared out my window into the cool night wishing I was out of this rat hole, my only wish I have ever truly wanted, to be free. The cool wind blew straight through my black hair and the moon light up my blue-grey eyes. In that matter of seconds I decided to become what I wanted, to be free as the wind. I put a black hooded sweater and jumped out my window and I began to walk. The streets the same the trees the same green it was all the same. I could smell the fresh river and hear it flowing freely. I began to smile inwardly and thought to myself this is it and no turning back. My footsteps sounded hallow on the wooden connection, which linked my small town to the real world that held itself over the course current that would soon be my watery grave.
“Wait.” Called out a girl’s voice.
I turned to the sound and stared at her, she was about my age with shoulder length brown hair, and in the dark I could still see her green eyes. She was wearing a light blue shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. I didn’t know who this girl was but she wanted me to stop which made me wonder why would she want me to stop if she doesn’t even know who I am?
“Why do you want to jump?” she asked me.
“I am just trapped and stuck in a life that’s boring and maybe this will set me free.” I replied. She just stared at me with a blank look at her face but it was that face that pulled me from the bridge and over to her.
“What is your name?” I asked her.
“Ashley.” She replied “And yours?”
“Alexander, please don’t call me Alex though.” I simply stated. “Ashley why did you stop me?”
“I just felt like you weren’t the guy that should jump off a bridge and die.” She replied
“I know we just met and I am sorry just give me this last wish, can I kiss you?” I asked her as politely as I could. At first she just stood there then I closed the gap within us and we kissed. What seemed like hours were only minutes and I poured all my emotion into that one kiss. I gave her one kiss on the cheek and stalked back over to the bridge. She followed me with fresh tears falling from her eyes. I whipped the tears from her eyes and smiled softly.
“Angels don’t deserve to cry.” And with that I stood on the ledge and jumped. My body was falling faster and faster until I hit the water with a loud splash. I didn’t both to come to surface and I let the darkness fill me in and finally I felt released.
ehh not much to tell
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