Chapter 2: The Wolf And The Flame Thrower.
After the bar fight was done Baret picked up his sword that was taller then Blare and about a foot wide and put it on his back. Even with the size of the sword Baret simply flipped it over his shoulder like a tooth pick and it stuck to his back. Blare Jumped up, grabbed Baret's arm, hung there like a monkey, and said "Cool! How did you get it to stay there?" Cain answered "The Ruins on the hilt of his sword give him the ability to call it to him whenever he needs it and to hold the blade across his back. I used small words just for you." Blare Replied "I'm not stupid you know. I just don't know how magic works is all." Baret walked off with Blare still hanging from his arm. The group of four went to the coast of the Pacific Ocean where they took a boat across the ocean.
While on the ship Baret and Blare began to get along, all four of them where sitting on the back deck of the ship and Blare asked "Hey Baret, why do you wear that mask?" Alex and Cain's laughter quickly stopped as Baret stood up, grabbed his sword, and walked toward the front of the boat. Blare leaned over to Cain and asked "Did I say something wrong?" Cain answered "Yeah, You saw the writing on the side of his blade right? Well if you can read Japanese it says "In memeory of James." James was Baret's father, he died when Baret was just a young boy." Blare sadly asked "How... did he die?" Alex answered "In the Demon Wars of 2014, Baret's father was a great worrier, he was the leader of the human army that repeled the demonicac hordes from the last human city, New Orleans."
"He was the only person to survive all the demon attacks. Baret's father was a great man, James Bronon was the one that sacrificed his life to create the magic barrier that surrounds the city now and stops unfriendly demons from entering." Blare listened like a child hearing a fariy tale for the first time, she asked "So why does Baret not like that subject? I would be proud if that where my father." Cain replied "It's not the that simple. The spell that was used to make that shield required that the sacrifice be killed by their own child."
Blare's face turned pale with shock she replied "Baret is eighteen right, given the time frame he killed his father when he was only twelve." Alex looked out over the ocean and replied "Cain and I are siblings, our father fought along side Baret's. They where close almost like brothers, our father died in combat when we just kids. Baret and Cain meet when they where nine. Baret and I didn't meet till I was twelve. Most demons like to eat little girls more than anything else so father kept me in hideing, it took James three years to find me."
"In killing his father Baret's mind became twisted and unstable, he began to attack random pepole. Cain was the only one Baret would listen to, It took him about six months to straighten out Baret's mind, when he did the reality of all the people he had killed hit him like a train. Baret began to to hate himself, he began to wear the that mask because he couldn't stand to see his own face or to have anyone else to see him. He started takeing jobs that had a high probability he would die. After about a year Baret tried to take the mask off but when he did Water shot from his mouth."
Blare confused asked "Why was water coming out of his mouth?" Cain answered "When he was a kid his father noticed Baret had talent for swiming and a love for water. Baret learned to use water magic, but stopped useing it when his father died. After awhile of disuse his magical energy built up and when he took the mask off all that energy burst out, and since the lower half of his face was the focus of his shame the energy gathered there. Now he has to use up all that energy each day before he can take that mask off."
Alex added "Cain and Baret gained a reputation as demon slayers. They meet two more slayers named Cyrus and Nobi. The four of them together where known as,
"Enzeru Deimos" which translted means Angels Of Fear. Cyrus was the speed he used wind magic, he is nearly impossable to catch. Nobi was experience even though he is the youngest of them he was the most skilled in the arts of not only stealth but ranged attacks as well. Baret was the brute force, you haven't seen him in battle yet but Baret is very bruteal and only gives one worning yell then he starts slashing. Cain was the strategist, he is seventeen now, but when Cain was fourteen he became famous when he
single-handedly destroyed over ten-thousand demons in one night."
Blare looked at Cain and asked "How could you do that?" Cain opened his coat, he wore a vest with three pockets on each side. In each pocket are different pieces of different mosters, he said "I'm a reincarnater, I can call back anything or any one so long as I have a piece of them, I carrry my six favorites with me. With all this talk about the past I need a cigarette, see you in a few." Cain stood up and walked to the edge of the boat, lit a cigarette and said nothing more.
Blare walked up beside Alex and asked "Aley, is Baret mad at me?" Alex replied "No Blare he's not mad. He just gets upset when people talk about his mask." Blare asked "Why is he protective about that mask?" Alex answered "He's not protective, after his fathers death Baret went into a state depresstion. Cain and I took Baret to a psychc to see if he could tell us what was wrong with him. The guy said Baret had a self lothing complex, long story short Baret dosen't care if he lives or dies. He put on the mask originaly because of his self lothing, he couldn't stand to have people to see his face."
"It didn't stop people from knowing who he is or what he had done, but it helped him to hold on to what little sanity he had left." Blare leaned back from the railing and looked toward the front of the boat at Baret and said "I'm gonna go try to talk to the Thick headed dummy." Alex asked "Witch one? Cain and Baret both have hard heads, thats why they get along so well. Birds of a feather crack skulls together, or something like that."
Blare walked to the front of the boat, stood next to Baret, and said "Hey Baret, Aley tolled me about your dad. How many people know about the mask?" Baret held up three fingers. Blare contiued "Well I make four, and since I know something about you that most people don't I tell you something about me. I'm not human." Baret answered "I know, the way you move, the way you fight. No human could move like that, the only thing I don't know is. What are you?"
Blare smiled jumped onto the railing and satdown on Baret's shoulder "You'll see what I am when we get in trouble. Something tells me going after this girl will be harder then we think." Baret smiled under his mask and answered "Cain, Alex stop ease-dropping and get over here, I've got something to tell all of you!" Cain and Alex came to Baret's sides. "Hop down Blare." Baret continued "The girl we're going after, she is not some old guy's daughter, Cain after you left Nobi and Cyrus had a hard time keeping me under control so after a while they quit trying and split too."
"I went unstable and started going after random people again, this half-breed fox demon named Isaac Raid was able to dodge me long enough to make a job offer. Seems he lost his home to some shark demons. He had a hole army under his control but the shark demons had a demon shield up, it stops any demons from getting in with out their say so. He hired me because humans can go threw the shield, he hired me specifacly because of the reputation I earned with Cain. I killed all twenty demons and almost one human, Isaac didn't know about the kidnapped girl."
"Her name is Leera, she was the first one to calm my mind since you and the others left Cain. She has been staying with the barkeep Karin." Blare looked at Baret with a melancholy exspresion. Cain tolled her "Thats right Blare you still know next to nothing about us. Well if you're going to be around us you should know about us." Alex inturupted and said "I'll go first. You already know my dad put me in hideing when the war started, I was in an orfanage owned by one of dads friends Drake. He was really
tall about seven and half feet."
"He had two realy big hand guns ones name was Mitsukai, and the other ones name was Akki. He told me what thier names ment, but I forget. Anyway Drake's girlfriend Amy was fun, she would run, play, and goof off with the kids just like she was one of us. Baret's father didn't know Drake that is why it took him so long to find me. Cain and I have an older brother named Abel, While Cain and Baret where off killing demons Abel killed me."
A cold chill ran down Blare's spine. "He hung me from the light fixture on my bedroom celiling." Alex continued "He killed Cain as well, only Cain killed him back. I knew I couldn't beat Abel so I just accepted my death. I was reborn as an archangel and joined the army of god, and like all angels, and demons that where once human I still carry the scar of the injury that ended my life." Alex removed her chocker; the inpresion of a rope was inbeded in her neck, a look of horror consumed Blare's face.
Alex put her chocker back on and continued "Even though Cain is a fallen angel God was willing to grant him entrance to heaven if he would help us win the war, but Cain passed on the offer. Our brother Abel is a high ranking shape shifting general in hells army he tried to get Cain to join them, but he failed as well. He thought he could get Cain on his side because when someone is reborn they normaly lose their memory but Cain didn't, when Abel confronted him Cain remembered that Abel Killed not only me but him as well."
"That day Cain gave us a way to I.D. Abel even if he changed forms, Cain gave Abel three scares one on the back of his right hand, one across his back, and one on his throat. The first time God asked Cain to join us he sent Gabreal, the second time he sent Paul, then St. Peter brought it to God's attention that Cain was my little brother and sent me to ask him, the first time I asked he turned us down again. Then two years ago they sent me to ask again but instead of asking him to join us, I left the army of light and began to travel with my brother. Thats basicly my life." Alex looked at Cain and said "Your turn."
Cain put out his cigarette and flicked the butt into the water, "When I was killing demons with Baret, My brother Abel killed Alex and I should have been there to save her. As soon as I got back home he shot me in the heart. Abel thought I was dead so he left me lying on the ground knocked out not dead, I survived the shot in the heart and hunted him down like a dog. When I cought up to him he had sunck so low as to join a street gang. He lead them like an army, and they died like true worriers. Abel and I fought it out on the roof of his hideout."
"I pushed him to the edge of both his strength and the buildings roof, I never planed to survive the fight anyway. So I charged him, and both of us fell fourty stories. Alex says he killed me because I hit the ground first but if I hadn't charged him and went over with him I'd most likely still be alive. I was reborn as a fallen angel because I had faith in the lord untill he let my sister die. The fight Alex tolled you about was poetic justice, it happened in the same place we died, we fell from the roof again only this time I could fly. I grabbed Abel by his jacket just before he hit the ground, he asked me why I did it and I tolled him (I killed you once, I've had my revenge. You can live this life with the shame of dieing at the hand of your baby brother.)"
"Then I dropped him on the ground and left. I still see him every now and then but he rarely ever fights me. Thats my story, Alex tolled you the rest already." Baret, Alex and Cain all look at Blare, a small smile came across her lips and she said "Guess its my turn, well I was kind of scared to tell Baret this because I knew his reputation for demon slaying. But he already realized I'm not human, I'm a pureblood werewolf." Alex asked "What, how is that possible the fullmoon is out tonight and you're still human?"
Blare answered "Well like I said I'm a pureblood we can control when we transform even when the fullmoon is out. But when the fullmoon is out ower physical attributes are increased a thousand times. Just be greatful I'm not a boy, pureblood boy werewolves get a little ,whats a nice way to put this, playful when the fullmoon is out. I would show you what I look like transformed but I can only change once a day."
"Before I meet Cain and Alex I was just a homeless street kid, and thats what I've been doing all my life." Baret turned around walked away and said "Hey Cain can I talk to you for a minute?" Cain and Baret walked to the back of the ship. Baret tolled Cain "Leera is important to me, the people who have her won't let her go without one hell of a fight." Cain replied "Level with me, who has her?" Baret's powerful and fearless eyes turned weak and melancholy as he looked to the front of the ship to reasure himself they where alone.
After he looked the area over he tured back to Cain and tolled him "I tolled you already shes pirokinetic, but what I didn't tell you is Leera's family hates her for it. They sent one mercenary after another to kill her and got nothing but burned corpses. After awhile they heard about me thought my water might be able to stop her fire, I took the job and they sent me out looking for her thats when I ran into Issac ,the fox demon, I took his job thought I might be able to finish it fast and pick up some extra cash. I found Leera inside his base and I would have killed her but relized she had no control over her powers, all the mercenaries she killed where accidents."
Cain replied "Two things one If her family wants her dead, what makes you think she is still alive? Two why is she so important to you?" Baret's answer was "I don't know if she is alive or not, but until I find her and touch her dead body with my own hands I will not stop looking for Leera. The answer to your second question is simple, she gave herself to the people she knew were going to kill her, so that they whould spare my life. Long story short, I was in love with her; She sacrificed her life to save mine so I'm guessing that means she loves me too. Just so you know I'm not leaveing without Leera, so if something happens and I get stuck in there I want you to grab Blare and Alex and get he hell outta Dodge. Consider it a last request."
Cain looked at Baret and answered "Like dad tolled us when we where little." Cain and Baret both looked out over the ocean and at the same time said "If your gonna die, do it protecting the ones you love." They looked back at each other; Cain patted Baret on the shoulder, turned, and walked away. Without turning around Baret said "You know... this is the first time, I've ever been scared to die." Cain stopped walking, and replied "Everyone called you a demon then you started in with the water magic and became the Water Demon, but to me and Alex, you will always be Baret Bornon, The Water Dragon." Baret answered "I know, thats why I named my bar The Water Dragon's Den."
Chapter 2: The Wolf And The Flame Thrower - END
- by Baret Bloodstone |
- Non Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/08/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Demon Hunter 2
- Artist: Baret Bloodstone
- Description: Just adding to the first chapter, Leave a comment if you like it if not the exit is to the left and please pay no attention to the escaped mental person with the knife on the other side of the door.
- Date: 03/08/2009
- Tags: demonhunters baretbloodstone baret bloodstone
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