• When i first heard about love it was a feeling that would make every thing turn pink and small bunnies would be jumping up and down like bounce balls, some of the bunnies would just stare at you like they wanted to tell you something, but that something would be either something that could ruine the feeling or make it better. I first felt what i thought was love 2 years ago, but i can tell now if that was true love i will never feel love again, well after that i went throuh some thinking about real love. Today when people says "i love you" some of them mean "I love your body" and that serious today people don't wanna know the persons inside but wanna know there outside even thou its the inside that counts, people says "my girl got a good..." well i hope some of you know the rest, but im so sure that never ever im gonna fall in love with someone's body but if i wanna fell in love again its gonna be there inside, i don't care if your black/white even blue thou i would have you to go to a doctor then, what i care about is getting maybe not the hottest girl with great personality instead of the hottest girl who slaps my face everytime i do something she thinks i shouldn't. So people today should think about "what part of my girlfriend/boyfriend do i love?".

    Thanks for reading.