• A girl at the age of 15 roames through the streets
    Seeing things that are beyond belief,
    She sees trees flying,
    and people dying.
    She walks on, seeing people terrified,
    holding their young ones close to their chests,
    sitting on the side walk.
    She runs over to a mother and son.
    "Whats happening?" she whispers to the mother.
    The mother's eyes begin to create a river of tears,
    she holds her son closer.
    Confused, she follows the mothers eyes to across the street.
    She sees her house, burning down to the ground.
    She then sees her family,close to her house, crowded around something.
    "Whats going on?" she tries to say, but no one can hear her,
    no one can see her.
    She shoves her way through,
    and sees her own body,
    cold and lifeless,
    stabbed in the heart,
    and swimming in her own pool of blood.
    Marisa's body shoots up in her bed as she looks around franticly.
    She looks around her room, everything is normal, but her closet door is open just slightly.
    Marisa shakes from fear as she takes a deep breath and slides out of bead.
    Her feet drag along the carpet, leading her to the closet.
    Nothing is there... nothing could be..she thinks.
    Her quivering hand reaches for the door knob, her heart races, she takes another breath, and opens the door.
    "Why hello there..." a mans voice comes from across the room.
    Marisa tries to scream, but like lightning, the man is right in front of her, his hand covering her mouth.
    "Marisa! Its me... are you ok?" his velvet voice whispers as he strokes her cheek with his free hand. He lets her speak.
    "Oh my god...Alex?" her eyes start to water. Her arms wrap around him, as her heart beat begins to slow.
    "Whats wrong with you? You were moving a lot in your sleep."
    "I-I had a nightmare i guess. It was horrible, thousands of people were in the street.A-and they were dying! I was dying!" Marisa's arms tighten slightly as she looks up at her love, her eyes watery.
    "Shh... Its ok. It was just a dream.." he says, his tone not as gentle now.
    He pushes a little away from her.
    "Its almost morning... you should some sleep before school..."
    Marisa looks at him more closely, seeing his eyes are a more deep and intense red, instead of his usual golden brown.
    "You haven't eaten yet?" she squeaks as she strokes his hair.
    "No..Thats why i need to go, its dangerous if I'm like this when I'm with you...its actually dangerous with me being with you." Alex pulls away and is suddenly at the window, above Marisa's bed.
    "Get some sleep, i'll pick you up later.."

    -------------------------TO BE CONTINUED---------------------------- X3