Tales of a Twin
(please read the description to understand)
Trever ate his pizza down to the crust. Then wanted to feed the "pizza bone" to our dog Lucy
Jordan made the observation after helping change here baby brothers' dipppers, that boys have goobers, and girls have brains
During a hayride to pick out a live christmas tree at a farm, the twins wanted to know where the lights were. They expected the trees to be decorated
After Santa passed at the end of the Parade, we tried to hurry the kids back to the car. Trever cried and insisted the parade wasn't over because Santa hadn't thown him his skates yet
After explaining to Trever that he was going to talk to Santa and tell what he wanted. He wanted to know if that was when he payed his dollar.
Thanksgiving morning is always hectic at our house because of all the relatives we visit that day. This year was especially so with 1 month old twin boys rounding out our family. While dad slept in, I fed Trever and put him back to bed to start the second shift with Austin. Dad got up about this time, so I passed the bottle to him to go take a shower before our 2 yr old got up. some time later, I saw dad sitll holding a bottle to that poor baby's mouth. "Austin sure is taking a long time to eat" I commented. "Austin? This is Trever!" Having finished feeding his baby, he put him to bed and started on the first again.
My 3 yr old daughter takes her position as big sister to new twin baby brothers very seriously. One afternoon, after a busy day shopping, all three fell asleep on the way home. I unloaded kids as I got to them; a baby, then sister, then the other baby. Sister was still asleep when I put the boys on the couch, put pillows in front of them, and proped bottles. I was in the next room when Jordan came running in with wild eyes. "Mom, where is the other one!" "on the couch with the other one." I replied. "No! He's gone" Frantic, I hurred in. Sure enough, there among an assortment of diper bags, jackets, blankets, and pillows was the "other" baby happily nursing his bottle. With an audable sigh of relief my little mother spoke softly almost to herself "I thought she had left him in the car"
Driving past the local Jr. High when it was time for school to be out, my 2 yr old noticed all the school buses lined up bumper to bumper int the simi-circle drive "Look mom! a choo-choo bus!"
I confronted my 4 year old daughter as she came in the front door after a particularly heavy hail storm and demanded to know what she thought she was doing outside! Looking up at me with an extream "I can't imagin why you're upset" look she replied. "I'm just going to give Austin and Trever hail"
My 3 year old daughter is in the habit of naming her stuffed animals after who ever gave them to her. At present, she goes to bed with Aunt Donna, Uncle Bill, Pete, and Uncle Buddy
Chosing names for my unborn twins became a family job, among my 2 yr old list was Cookie Monster and Big Bird, Bert and Ernie, and my personal favorites, Snicker Bar and Gumdrop
While pregnant with twins, someone asked my 2 year old what she wanted mom to have. She prompty answered "Big Bird and Cookie Monster!" When she saw the new borns, she wasn't disappointed
Knowing Grandma was on the way to visit her new twin grandsons, I quickly chnaged two little diapers. As predictted, Grandma came in and after hugs and kisses proceedded to check diapers as Grandmas alwasy do. On finding one boy dry and the other "wet as a bog" no amount of talking would convince her I had changed the same baby twice.
My 3 year old daugheter met the easter bunny at the mall and was frightened. Hoping to ease her fears, I'd told her to look in the rabbit's mouth where she could see the girl in the costume. She still wanted nothing to do witht eh Bunny. After her father go home that night, she proceded to tell him she was scared of the rabbit. He asked her why she was scared and she replied "He alread had one little girl in his mouth!"
While enoumously pregnant with my twins, my 2 yr old who had followed it all with some wonder, was resting on my stomach, feeling her brothers kick. Not having eaten in the last few minutes. My stomach began to growl. Jordan looked up wild eyes and said. "Mommy, I heard my brothers!" I asked her what they said. In her squeakest bably talk voice she told me "We want to come out to play with sister." How glad I was when they could!
One rainy afternoon, bored with my company, my 2 year old named Jordan informed me she wanted to go to MaMaw, PaPaw and Jordan's house.
That is all we have, I enjoyed reading these so much...I was messed up even back then

- Title: Stories of a young twin
- Artist: Siragon
I am a twin, so of course we had some interesting happenings when we were young. My mom was going through some boxes and found a journal she had that she wrote down alot of these things that me, my twin brother, and my older sister did as kids
All credit goes to my loving mother who took the time to write this all down as it happened so I could enjoy it years later
P.S. I'm Trever, my twin brother is Austin, and my older sister is Jordan - Date: 11/27/2008
- Tags: tales young twin past memories
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Comments (1 Comments)
- roseeyes1 - 09/05/2009
Adorable! I hope I have twins someday... People have always asked if me and my brother Phyllip were twins (I'm a year older than him). We used to finish each other's sentences all the time and look about the same age. We still do, sometimes. Our voices even used to sound the same.
roseeyes out! - Report As Spam