• What is love without hatred? This is a question that has taunted the minds of many, including mine. I have come to the conclusion that there can be no love without hatred and no hatred without love, because without each other, they mean nothing at all. They are complete opposites, but in a way, they complete each other. They remind me of yin and yang. Together they make a perfect circle, which balances the light and the dark, but alone are just mere colored objects. There is so much in this world that we wish we could magically make disappear, but if it were to be gone, we would be lost. Without the forces acting upon each other in the way they do, society would crumble and mass chaos would erupt like a violent volcano over our lives.

    I do not support war. It is a violent and heartbreaking thing that pulls us away from each other and forces us to become animals acting in a completely inappropriate manor. If you were a lawyer in court and the judge ruled in favor of your opponent, you wouldn’t take out a 44 magnum and blow their heads off! No one in civilized society would act in such a way; however, without those sudden interruptions and warfare in life, there would be no existence of peace. If everything was at peace all the time, then peace would be a normal thing, which would have no significance at all, but with war, peace is all people want and pray for. With war, peace is something that is cherished and sacred. With war, peace is peace. And without peace, war would become so almighty that there would be no love and hatred would fill the hearts of all. But then again, there can be no hatred without love; therefore everyone would live out their lives as emotionless zombies with no real goals or dreams, because dreams are just what you aspire to do because of something you love, but there would be no love, so a dream would be nonexistent. It is a continuous flow. A chain of reaction one might say. A chain in which, if tinkered with the slightest amount, would little be little send the earth in a straight plummet to Hell.

    That brings me to my next point, Heaven and Hell. They are just the same concept as love and hatred, and peace and war. They are nothing without each other. If the concept of Heaven were not created, then everyone would know they’re going straight to Hell and behave in any manor they choose. People would become criminally insane and rip the world apart little by little. Sure there will be those few who still do what’s right and who will try to change the minds of the behaviorally challenged, but they’ll probably end up with a bullet in the head, or a knife in the throat. It is the same way if there were no Hell. Everyone would know they’re going to go to Heaven, so they would be as ill mannered as they feel and be completely disobedient. The rate in suicides would probably increase as well. If there was something in life they were not pleased with, they could easily kill themselves and either be reincarnated, or live forever in a state of tranquility and peace. Unless there were no peace, and then they would live forever as emotionless zombies.

    There’s another good point, life and death. No one ever wants to see the day when someone close to them, or they themselves have to face the music and walk into that bight light, but without death, living would not be a gift. It would be average and expected and a very dull topic. With death, however, life is a great and wonderful thing that will last us a lifetime. Literally. Besides, if no one ever died, there would be a shortage of food, space, and other needed resources. Pretty soon the world would be so plagued with starvation and poverty, that everyone in it would become depressed and filled with hatred…. that is of course assuming there is hatred and everyone isn’t just a bunch of emotionless zombies.

    You see, what we know in life is what must be contained in life forever, for without it, the world would come to a screeching halt. Everything we know would be turned upside-down and what we think is right would be terribly wrong. So, next time your praying to god, or whom ever you choose to pray to for peace on earth, just sit back and think about what would really happen if there were peace on earth. Think about what would happen as a result of tinkering with life. Think about life itself and how we manage to survive with smiles on our faces and love in our hearts. Just think.