• I crouched on the block, my fingers curled over the edge, holding me from stumbling backwards. My right foot was in front of my left, and pushing me back. The electronic beep sounded, and before my mind could register it, I was already on my shorter then a second flight through air like a coiled spring being released. The feeling of cool water was welcome as it greeted first my hands, then my head, torso, and finally my feet. The swarm of bubbles I made rapidly retreated behind me as my legs started kicking, working on getting me to the surface. My arms broke free of the water, taking stroke after stroke like mad, running on pure adrenaline. My eyes were intently focused on the wall ahead of me, my destination. I quickly flipped, my feet cutting the surface of the water until they hit the wall, pushing me forward again. I once again shot forward, kicking as fast and hard as I could until I surfaced, now able to hear my own violent splashing through the dense water. From half-way across the pool I could see the yellow timing pad, waiting anxiously for my hand. I got close enough, and reached forward, my palm hitting center, my legs propelling my hand in far enough to stop the clock. I shot up vertically in time to hear my name being read by the announcer; I won. My very first blue ribbon, and I had been waiting for so long to get it.