"Are you ok?" i heard a voice asking me. "Can you get up?"
I slowly raised my head up to see where i was. I looked around puzzled, i couldn't remember a thing. I put my hand to my head, and felt a huge bump. Bringing my hand to my face i saw blood.
"That doesn't look like its fun." the stranger said to me. "here let me help you."
he put his arm around me and heaved me up in one graceful lift. He lifted me up with no problems, it was as if i weighed nothing.
"so whats your name?" he asked me
"um...... lea." i responded shyly "Do you know exactly what happen to me?"
he took a while to answer, it seem like he was thinking over the question, as if it was a hard question to answer.
"nope" he then just said simply.
"well then can i know your name?" i asked, i wanted to thank him properly,
"my name is whatever you want it to be." he said it as if i was his master.
"what do you mean? i have to name you?" i was now officially confused "who are you anyways?"
"I am just a person who was passing along and notice you were hurt. now i'm carrying you." he smiled at me.
my face grew hot, forgetting i was in that position, i quickly changed the subject.
"so you don't have a name?" i asked confused yet again from the respond earlier.
"I do, my name is Hiro. do you want to be put down now?" he gestured me to a bench in the middle of a patch of grass.
i gave him a gentle nod.
he put me down with out any problems, just as he had when he had picked me up.
my hand shot up to the back of my head again, the bleeding had stopped.
"um...... Hiro. how tall are you?" i asked him just realizing he was taller than i anticipated.
"6'1, and still growing." he seemed happy with himself.
"wow, thats tall, well thanks for helping me out." i felt bad for not giving him anything in return for helping me out, but theres not much a 17 year old girl can give to a guy when she is completly broke.
"no worries. i will be on my way." he started to walk off.
"But how can i pay you back? I will never see you agian." I panicked over the thought of it
"i told you no worries. we will definitely meet again." he gave me another small smile, but this one seemed devious. he then vanished so swiftly, i hardly noticed him leaving.
i looked around to see my surroundings. I wasn't sure where i was. and what did he mean by " we will definitely meet again?" i hardly even knew him. how does he expect that when the world is so big? But i shouldn't have been worrying about that. i should be worrying about how i was going to get home.
being lost in a place i never been to, and having no signs of directions any where, it was going to be very difficult on getting home.
As i started to walk home, a thought suddenly occurred to me. how did i get hurt?
through the excitement of meeting a new person, i totally forgot that i was just earlier lying on the floor unconsciously. Did someone hit me on the head? Or did i faint? Many things were going through my head. The one big one that was going through my head was, were was I when i was unconscious? I hadn't realized it till now, but when the stranger, i mean Hrio woke me up, i was in a totally new environment. I was in a place i have never seen. I was starting to get creped out.
i walked on for two hours almost seeing nothing but grass and trees. There was no one around, and no signs up anywhere.
if i hadn't known better, i would have guess that Hiro dropped me off and deserted me in the middle of no where.
The sun was beginning to set, and i was getting hungry and cold. i would have to find shelter for the night being because night was coming soon.
just down a little ways there was a huge boulder with a tiny small cave like hole, big enough for two people.
without thinking i went straight in and made my camp. sitting down, i watched the sunset.
back were I'm from there aren't sunsets that look like the one I'm seeing, it was quite a sight.
outside of my little cave i heard a shuffling on the floor. i held my breath to hear what it was.
"crunch crunch"
someone was walking on a pile of leaves, not caring how loud it was.
i then realized, the whole time i was walking earlier, looking for someone. there was no one to be seen, if so then who could be out side?
my heart was throbbing, beating faster and faster, with every crunch in the leaves.
is it an animal out there? will i die?
to many things were going through my head. But the my biggest concern of them all was, will i ever get to see Hiro again?
I shifted my self in a ball, at a corner at the end of the small cave.
The cave felt unwelcoming, not like it had before. It felt wet, and the air smell very damp. It was starting to get harder to breathe. I can feel my self reaching for my throat, i tried desperately to calm my self down.
My heart was still pounding, i can feel it now throbbing in my throat, i felt like i was going to choke. I can feel my stomach turning flipping and flopping inside of me. i couldn't breathe, my hand was strapped around my neck in fear.
i felt the urge to tug at my hand, but i couldn't release it. Now being in fear of almost killing my self, i let out a little cry. The moon flooded the cave with its light, and in the middle of all that light there stood a shadow, so tall, it made the cave feel so tiny. I thought that the darkness within the cave would swallow me whole.
I closed my eyes, for i did not want to see what would happen next.
Then all of a sudden i heard it..........
Its was a loud shrilled cry. Its cry send millions of chills down my spine, making the back of my hair stand on its end.
losing all control of my body, I began to cry uncontrollably, in front of my murderer who would send my to my death.
I heard the cry get louder and louder.
I was beginning to feel uneasy.
"what are you doing here?"
I recognize that voice, I thought to myself, it sounds like......... Hiro!
I slowly raised my head to find myself staring at Hiro.
He look tired and weary, like he hadn't slept for days, and not to mention he was a complete mess.
"I said what are you doing here?" He asked demanding me to give him an answer.
I didn't say anything, I was shock to see him before me.
"Um...." I said while slowly standing up. "I couldn't find my way home, and I needed to find some shelter, so i decided to crash in this cave for the night."
"Get out!" He said so coldly.
"Wait what do you mean?" I was confused. why did he want me out?
"Get out of here! leave and don't come back." he said again growing angrier with each second I was standing there.
"But...... I...... but....." I was studdering. I usually studder when I'm afraid to say what i want.
" Do i have to spell it out for you? I SAID FOR YOU TO GET OUT!" He turned his back on me, and walked further in the cave.
with that I stormed out of the cave, to search for a place for the night.
It was cold, and the moon had a weird aura about it. I can feel it creeping in my skin, something was wrong with Hiro, and I had a feeling I was about to find out what soon.
As I was walking all alone in the dark, I had the sudden urge to start crying.
I mean, like why was Hiro mad at me? Did I do something to hurt him?
I was starting to make myself feel bad, just by thinking about it. so I told myself to forget about him.
The air started to get thin, and I felt a sudden breeze whistle on the foggy floor.
Just by looking at how high the moon looked in the sky, i was guessing it was around 12 at night.
*yawning* I started to walk with my eyes close ,walking into a trans sleep.
My short sleeve shirt, and mini skirt i was wearing, was not doing a very good job of keeping me warm.
shivering from the small breeze, I started to look around for something to keep me warm.
I walked around looking for something that can give me shelter from the wind, but I found nothing. Right when i was walking around a tree, I heard a small clam noise that sound like flowing of water. Not realizing how thirsty I was until I heard that, I went on a search to go find the stream were I thought it could be of some use.
When I got the small stream, i regretted ever trying to find my way around.
i will never forget the sight I saw standing right in front of me, nor did I think i would come out of this alive.........................
what I saw down by the small stream, was most defiantly not human!
First of all the water was red. Could it have been blood?
There were tall figures basking by the stream in the moon light.
I couldn't make out what they were. their backs were face to me, and it was to dark to see them.
They looked like they had some human features to them, but their aura was off from a human.
their skin was very very pale, and these creatures were huge!
not like fat in that kind a way, but they were really tall.
the tallest one of them all casted over the rest of them, like a tower blocking the moon from giving any light.
I hid myself in a bush away from what these creatures were, I was to afraid to be seen.
The tallest one who was now in the middle, put his arm up ( in a human gesture) to silence the rest.
In a weird language i didn't understand, he began to talk.
One thing for sure was, I now knew they weren't animals, but I knew they weren't humans either.
So then, what exactly were they?
Still sitting behind the bush, I tried moving myself to get a closer look.
The tall figure in the middle was still talking away, while the other creatures looked as if they were really interesting in what he had to say.
Not realizing my shoelace was stuck to a branch, I went fumbling over when I was trying to move.
That did it, with a loud thump, the creatures had turned their heads to face me. Scared for being caught, I couldn't help, but to stare at these creatures.
They were humans!
such beautiful humans were standing before me. Their eyes were almond style, and were red, their hair was long silky black, and it matched perfect with their beautiful pale skin.
Such beauty, I have never seen in humans.
But were they really humans? There was defiantly something weird about them.
The tall man walked towards me. he stared me up and down, where he rested his eyes on my knee.
I hadn't realized it before, but my knee was bleeding, from when I had fell.
His eyes than met mine. His eyes looked pained.
I felt a little bad for him.
He then looked at my knee one more time, and gave me a grin.
His grin said it all. he looked like he was hungry, and I was his dinner...........
He was coming closer to me now!
His eyes stared at me intestinally, his beautiful red eyes, met mine leaving me trapped in a trans.
I couldn't look away. He slowly walked forward to me, gliding gracefully over the rocky trail, as if he was hovering over the ground.
He paused right in front of me, and whispered something in my ear, and before I knew it, I was on the floor knocked out cold.
When I woke up, the sun was shining brightly into my eyes. It was slowly rising above the horizon. The big glistening sun lit up my surroundings. Thats when I then knew, I was somewhere far away, somewhere I never been to.
I got up to see where those humans, I mean "creatures" were.
"Hello" I shouted.
No one was around
"Anyone there?" I shouted once more, but no one answered.
that was strange, where did those creatures go? I thought to my self. Does this mean I was free to go?
Guess what? I was wrong. Right then when I started walking off, a loud thump shook the ground, sending me flying, nailing it. turning around I saw the biggest beast, my eyes ever layed on
My question was answered. I had a strong feeling, I was never going to see my home again.
The huge beast was looking at me hard. It follow my every movement. It was like he was a cat, and I was the mouse. I turned to the left, he followed, I turned right, guess what he did?
Now I was beginning to get scared, I mean how do I escape this?
"Hiro!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted screaming the loudest I ever had in my life!
suddenly realizing I was calling for him to help me, I put my hands over my face to stop me from yelling even more. Now embarrass by that, the monster began to roar.
I shield my eyes with my arms, waiting for the monster to make its blow!
His tail, was long like those of a dinosaur. It swept the floor, sweeping me along with it.
*thump* my head hit the ground. I tried desperately to keep my eyes open, but my vision was losing control. The next thing I saw was the monster razor teeth, so huge, and so sharp. Those pearl, razor, white, sharp teeth, could devour me in one bite.
I then saw my life flash before me,
all the wonderful things I did in my life, and all the things I will miss after death, flash before me.
Then the image of Hiro finding me cold on the floor just a day or two ago, flashed into my head.
so sharp, the image, I felt as if it was happening all over again. But this time I was a fly on the wall watching what had happen to me at first.
I suddenly remember.
I was walking home from the store, my mom send me on an errand, it was getting dark, and I didn't want to take the long way. So being the person I am, I took a short cut into the alley. Where these gang people grab a hold of me, I tried to get out of the arms of those horrible boys who thought just because I was a girl, they can get away with rape!
I was so close for being done that night. But, then, he showed up. Hiro!
and there was blood everywhere, so much blood, enough for it to be mistaken as a battle field, I began to feel very dizzy and..............
Thats the only part of the night I could remember on what happen to me the day Hiro found me. There had to be more, I felt like I was missing something, but i couldn't remember. But it doesn't matter anymore, I couldn't wake up.
Then I heard something, a males voice, such a beautiful, soft deep males voice. It suddenly told me to wake up, and I open my eyes.
- by iCuddleKins |
- Non Fiction
- | Submitted on 11/07/2008 |
- Skip

- Artist: iCuddleKins
- Description: hiro and lea are in the woods alone its long but its a very good story
- Date: 11/07/2008
- Tags: vampire trouble
- Report Post
Comments (7 Comments)
- DJ Howler - 08/04/2009
- plz don't stop tell me more this is better then twilight
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- ALH_666 - 06/02/2009
- I don't care whose it is, just keep going! I really like it! what happens next?! KEEP GOING!
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- wolves_are_awsome - 04/28/2009
- uhhh this is luna_luna8's story. soo i would suggest you don't playgarize anymore.
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- iCuddleKins - 03/21/2009
- LOl ok people if u love it i will work on it ok?
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- Acid Frenzy - 12/23/2008
- This is fiction.
- Report As Spam
- evil_cookies_r_watching - 12/22/2008
omg!!i cant believe you left me wanting more and then when i see no more =(i almost had a panic attacko.o
joo have to write more and send it to me please =| - Report As Spam
- courtneyaly - 11/28/2008
- yeah it belongs in the fiction section
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