• One day, during lunch, one of the popular girls walked up to me with a carton of milk in her hand. She said it was a "peace offering". Then she stepped forward to (supposedly) hand it to me, and next thing I knew... I had milk all over my head and shirt. stressed scream I was screaming out curse words at her because I'd had enough! The guidance counselor(who happened to be there the entire time), saw me and tried to calm me down by grabbing my arms, and by retaliation... well, I punched him in the face sweatdrop . When he was knocked back, I grabbed my tray and flung all of my food at "Miss Popularity" for payback. Because of my disastrous outburst, I was the only one to get in trouble. The guidance counselor had gotten a black eye and a few stitches, and another one of the popular girls got away again, because no one saw what she did to me (or at least that's what they say). confused