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  • Artist Info: In a city (any city, really) the stars are out-shined by the city lights. There's an old man; he is haggard, smells of his own waste, and probably hasn't bathed in a year. This man's hair and beard are the same length and, without the dirt, are such a snow white that he can't even remember what the color once was. The nails on his toes (the ones that still fit within his long-since blown out shoes) are so long that it actually hurts him to walk. He shuffled about aimlessly with an old shopping cart, picking things from places and putting them in that cart as though he were shopping at your local supermarket, but then he stops. He stops dead in his tracks and lifts his tired head to the sky and smiles like he can still see the sky, smiles like there's some hope left for him yet. <br />
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    Shut up. Every moment is undeniably beautiful. All you have to is shut up and look around for once. <br />
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    My name is Baillie and when no one's home, sometimes I turn up my music really loud and dance around, singing into my hairbrush. I also like to pretend I can speak French. I'm an introverted person on a device built for extroverted people. I'm shy, sometimes. I say things that offend people without thinking, but I don't apologize because I don't really care. I like to cook. And bake. And make partial sentences. Or not. I write a lot, and I'm pretty nerdy. I like to swear, but that doesn't mean if you take my sentence, minus the expletives, it would leave only "the it is my". I'm a pseudo-intellectual. I believe there might be a zombie apocalypse. I'm a music addict and I used to play clarinet in high school. I was pretty good, too. I have a large, unusual crush on Eddie Izzard. And Christopher Walken. I like piercings. And tattoos. I don't have any tattoos. I make mistakes. I like to play video games. Sometimes (just sometimes) I like to go out, shove an old lady down the stairs and laugh. And when I'm feeling particularly evil, I go out and kick small dogs, just to see what it feels like. <br />
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    I am human. I am a, e, i, o, u, but never y. I am fantabulous, fantastico, and awesome. I am unashamedly and unabashedly me.
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