• Kariana Greywers's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: <br />
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    * NOT IN USE! * using custom panel because I needed a wrapper div for sticky-header-friendly scrolling. Custom gets one automatically. There's NO WAY to select any of the normal "About" text if it isn't bold, link or span...<br />
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    All About Kariana:<br />
    Kariana is my first real original character. I created her for a PBeM (Play By e-Mail) RPG my sister and our friend Kimi ran way back when (more years ago than I want to admit). She's an elf...or at least elf-like. I was going to invent a race for her, but I never got that far into the game. I have a tendency to abandon projects like that. Her design has changed significantly over the years. The only constants are blue hair, green eyes and elf ears. She's approximately 15-20 years old (this changes with my mood ^_^), and is simultaneously my youngest and oldest character.<br />
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    "Greywers" comes from one of the many romanizations I've encountered of Zelgadis's last name (from the novels, manga and anime Slayers). I started using it in chat rooms years ago when I couldn't get just "Kariana" as a nick-name, and it stuck. I can't imagine dropping or changing it now. It's her name.<br />
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    Like all my Gaia avatars, Kariana also exists in my Sims 2 game. I even had a child-Kariana in Sims 1, when babies came from kissing, and the only ages were baby (an object, not a Sim), child and adult. Kariana also adventured in Skyrim.<br />
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    Please note I don't accept random friends requests. We must at least have a decent conversation before we can be friends. I know most of my Gaia friends in real life, or have spent many, many hours chatting with them. I don't like begging PMs, either. Take it to the Charity Forum. Feel free to comment on my Profile as much as you like, but I don't check for comments often, so I'm not likely to respond. If you post something here I find offensive, I will delete it (eventually).<br />
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    Profile theme under construction, and intended for 1920x1080 displays (and a font size of 14, because I'm old now! Even with my glasses, blocks of small font are painful to look at from the distance of chair to monitor!). I'm working on figuring out theme CSS. I managed to float my avatar art under the various profile bits with z-indexing! But, If I put it exactly where I want it with the Gaia editor in desktop Firefox, it's a bit off in Opera, and completely wrong on mobile browsers...I can't seem to figure out a way to create/override the position via CSS, preferably to a percent value since the width is so much smaller on mobile.) Chrome-based browsers display images too big, breaking my layout. Set zoom to 80% (82% really) to view it correctly.<br />
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    Discovered conditional media queries, and the right way to call the pic (#picture_113235 - numbers vary - find with Inspect or View Source after saving!) so I can position it with CSS, then move and shrink it separately for smaller screens! Yay! Now it's how I want in desktop Firefox, but still decent on my phone!<br />
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    Can you tell I like teal, green and blue? ^_~ Also, I've set custom font families for the headings. My current favorite (Tangerine, used for the panel headings) is smaller than other fonts at the same point size, so I set it rather large. And, I managed to replace the "Personal Website" text with "deviantArt" (because that is not my "personal website!" I used to have one of those on my sister's domain, but we stopped paying for hosting years ago!) and still have the link work. YAY!
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