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  • Artist Info: OH HAI, you came to my profile? 8D<br />
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    Howdy, thanks for coming to my lovely little page. My name is Edy, and I'm your average, incredibly nerdy highschooler from Minnesota. I'm a pretty happy person, although I can be a smartass and ( at times ) a complete asshole. Usually those 'negative' aspects tend to kick in around the winter time, since Minnesota becomes ungodly cold and I partially die inside from the thought of eduring the snow and all it's 'let's wear fifty sweaters'-type attributes. I've been on Gaia as of late 2OO4, and I will probably stay with the site for a lot longer. You can find me in the GCD most of the time, especially since I love everything Gaia and I love discussing it with everyone there. If not, I'll probably be in Barton Town or in Avatar talk! I love talking to people, but I will seriously rip your tit off if you get me started on "Gaia is so greedy and keeps taking my moniez O:<".<br />
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    I'm not that graceful, physically and internally. I'll tell you all a secret, since you're reading this far: I have a light obsession with all that is KPop/JPop ( for those of you that don't know, it's a music type: Look up people like Super Junior or Brown Eyed Girls. ) I have, on many occasions, tried learning the dances to these songs, because their choreography is amazing and I seriously wish I could dance. But most of the time I fuck up grandly and mope for a few days, because I end up looking like a chicken without a head. I'm pretty good at soccer, too, but put me on any other team and I will make sure you never get past sectionals. <br />
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    I keep telling myself that I make up for these things by knowing a bunch of other things no one bothers to know. In example, I like knowing famous last words and everything Pokemon. I'm also a huge gamer and I can finish them relatively fast. C:<br />
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    I'd type more, but my friend just got me Firefly to watch and I really need to finish that. God, what an amazing show. Anyway, if you'd like to talk to me after reading my little rant ( which, I will edit in the future. ) please message me! I love new people!
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