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    "To love a vampire is to love forever. An eternity of surrender no matter the cost. A heart that never stops beating. A heart that just is." - Dracula, XxSuki No VampirexX <br />
    My name is Raven Mary Darkness Atarashi and I am not like the other girls....<br />
    My first name is Raven. When I was born the call of ravens were heard and my mother has chosen that name. She knew I was destined for darkness too. My middle name is Mary because it's pretty like a rose like my rose colored hair. My last names combine my father's last name and mother's last name.<br />
    I am a vampire and I was sent to America from Japan to protect my family and not get kidnapped by bandits or assassinated by those thirsty for The Royal Crown! I'm safe here so far. I live with my uncle Peterson Dracu'ul in Iowa now.<br />
    I am sixteen/16(in the story but older IRL tho) now so I need to find my true love and get married to restore The Atarashi Vampire Clan. The mating ritual recquires me to meet my lover, sign a Blood Contract, drink his blood, send him to Japan with me where he will go through the Sacred Vampire Trials/Blood Trials(imagine the traps in BloodRayne). He will compete for my love and for my family so we can be restored before we get extinct and I can take my proper place on the hidden throne with him and rule over all vampires ever from my homeland's kingdom in Tokyo, Japan!<br />
    But I have to fall in love first~ >///<<br />
    Thats the hardest part! </3<br />
    Little did I know that my life would change forever...<br />
    (See More Here)<br />
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