- Lola The Wicked's Gallery
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Artist Info:
- I am a quiet, cunning and sometimes shy little fox. :] Lola is the name. :3<br />
- I may like you, but I may not. So don't be annoying or you'll get bitten. stare <br />
- Other things I like are noodles and tea.<br />
- Favorite colors are grey black and red. Sometimes blue and purple. :]<br />
- I have an obsession for chocolate. :3<br />
- My title is the protector of animals. :] So don't mess with animals, or you'll have to face me. stare <br />
- I hate animal haters. stare <br />
- I have an owner, but you don't need to know who that is. :]<br />
- I live in Europe, like most foxes do. :3<br />
- Real life age, name? Stupid questions. xP<br />
- I am an otaku fox 3nodding <br />
- Can't think of anything else so that's all. :]<br />
<br />
NOTE: Sorry but I do not accept random friend invites. neutral <br />
Sincerly, Lola~ <br />
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