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  • Artist Info: welcome,my real name is Christina (cant giv out my last name) but on here I am called Krystan. My story is along one but i will spare giving every detail, just what you need to know. I dont need to keep secrets because i have none to keep. When i was little my mom abandoned me and soon after my dad had died, I lived with my grandparents most of my life. For a long time i did not know how to feel about things, I was afraid and felt empty much of the time inside. THe reason was that though i had my grandparents we faught much, especially me and my grandma. I only wanted them to see me for who i really was, not the mistakes i made but the me who was trying my best to find my way in life and keep moving though it hurt.I know they love me and I love them but you can love family but not have to trust them that way. They will always be family and the ones that raised me, even when i move on to live my own life, I was unsure what to feel about them for a long time but i have now figured this much out. <br />
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    At school for a long time i was never good at being social. I did not know how to start a conversation or join them, whenever i tried to join I got lost because i didnt know what they were talking about. That added to the emptyness.But recently i have been getting better. I believe there has to be more for me in life even if I cant see it, so I decided to keep moving and grow no matter how much it hurt so I could one day reach that place. <br />
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    Last summer i went to visit my mom, for a while i didnt want to go and I didnt know what to feel but still...I went. I remember how i did not regret it. It felt like I had a mom for real for the first time in my life and i wanted to stay. I now know she loves me and wants me back, she did lie to me before but I wanted to go back. I am moving there now. Maybe even if i dont trully trust her at first this is my chance to atleast have her as my mom, and i remember telling my granparents that all i ever wanted was to know what it was like to have people who were trully there like that and cared to listen or were a real friend. I'm still moving. I love my grandma and she will always be the one that raised me about my whole life but i am moving on though i will always remember her.Since i have been improving even in talking to other teens i hope maybe i will also find new friends there. <br />
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    To all those here on gaia that have supported me, I want to say thank you. You have helped so much , and though it would be great to know you in real life in many cases we cant but I will still remember you and we are still friends even when apart because of distance. <br />
    I promise you guys helping me will not be wasted, i'll find my place one day and i wont be the person who gave up when it was time to climb. But that doesnt mean im perfect.<br />
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    I am also very interested in angels, i believe they are real and work in the real world though unseen most of the time. I pray to one day see one in my own life.<br />
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    ((On here i will either be roleplaying as myself or my rp character who is an angel her profile is in my journal))
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