• Viva La Leila's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: Oh hi, Stranger #84028417305! biggrin <br />
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    Before you read on, please visit and stay for a while at my quest thread? ToT<br />
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    Well, anyway, it's a miracle someone actually visited this humble page of Gaia Online.<br />
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    Well, anyway, my name's Leila (it's my alias). I am a nerd, a geek, a goody-two-shoes, and a girly-girl. What, you want to top that? Haha.<br />
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    I'm 15, from the Asian part of the world. Where, specifically? Well, the Philippines! ;D<br />
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    I was formerly known as x A y u m i - c h a n x (my old and crappy account) and The Classic Junkie (my previous username).<br />
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    Oh yeah. I love yellow and black. ;D<br />
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    What? You Think I'm a N00B?!<br />
    <br />
    I'm not actually new here, since I just moved from my old and crappy account (x A y u m i - c h a n x), and transferred all my items here. It's actually been a long time since I've hanged out here in Gaia, so I'm trying to get a hang of all the new updates and such.<br />
    <br />
    NOTE: If I added you as a friend from my old account (x A y u m i - c h a n x), just add me. smile Just tell me that you're an old Gaian friend that I added using my crappy account. wink <br />
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    Loves! smile <br />
    <br />
    I love writing, words, sweets, and taking pictures. I suck at drawing, but I can think of good concepts, so I put it into words.<br />
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    I love listening to metal, rock & roll (and everything under the category) , classical, pop, alternative, reggae, jazz, punk, dance, trance, blues, country, indie, electronic, antifolk, folk, R&B, grunge, instrumental, j-pop, j-rock, and a bit of k-pop. And no, I'm not exaggerating. I was actually browsing through my iTunes, while I was typing this.<br />
    <br />
    I also love shopping. It is really cool (for me) to look around stores that sell really awesome items. I usually shop for bags and shoes, therefore I don't possess every shade of color if a shirt. Remind me to buy an awesome yellow shirt, please? Not only because I love yellow, but also because my toenails are painted yellow. Going to the salon is fun, actually. Just make sure I don't get a ridiculous haircut. razz <br />
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    Like I said, I love words. You know what that means? I love reading books, specifically, classic novels. Just so you know, my room is filled with classic books written by Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Nathaniel Hawthorne, etc.<br />
    <br />
    Enough about Leila; let's talk about Viva La Leila's loves in Gaia! wink I love gold! ;D Who doesn't? I also love buying things, and Booty Grab! Booty Grab changed my life in Gaia, since I never tried playing Booty Grab in my crappy account.<br />
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    Hates. sad <br />
    <br />
    I hate bugs and the like. I hate mosquitoes. I hate creepy crawlies. I am afraid of the dark (yes, still), and fudge scared of clowns. That's that. <br />
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    Fun Facts.<br />
    <br />
    I have lots of things to say, but I don't know where to place them, so whatever comes into my mind that I want to be placed here in the About Me section, will be here in the Fun Facts section.<br />
    <br />
    * I used to watch a lot of anime, but I am slowly drifting awaaaaay..<br />
    * I don't really care if I'm not buying anything in the bookstore; I just love being surrounded by books.<br />
    * I used to think I have insomnia, but not anymore. Haha. I just have a messed up body clock. D:<br />
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    Dream Avatars.<br />
    <br />
    A user won't be complete with this one, so here we go. biggrin <br />
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    I asked my friend (2D mango) to design me dream avatars, and here are the results that I love. :3 heart <br />
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    User Image<br />
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    This is what I am aiming for right now. Just check my wish list for the items that I need help on. And seriously, please, help me? ToT<br />
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    User Image<br />
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    If I still have money, and if I'm still interested with this quest, I'll do this avatar. Again, SOS!<br />
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    User Image<br />
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    Here is the third look. This is probably the cheapest, and by the time I'm questing this, I only need to buy the Biancamella (not just the 2nd generation, but the whole thing), the Duchess Delacour, and the spanking shoes. ;D<br />
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    Good Deeds.<br />
    <br />
    Your good deed won't be unnoticed! biggrin So, here are my thankies~<br />
    <br />
    * 2D mango -- 44.5k, Winter Rose, Talsi's Sash, and 2 (yes, two f$%#^* --) Black and Gold Oversized Bangles. heart :3<br />
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    NOTE: For being such a generous Gaian, she's helping me with my avatar quest. ;D I LOOOOOVE HEEEEER. ;3<br />
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    Last Messages.<br />
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    Well, I'm not dead ( smile )), but before you do something else, read please~<br />
    <br />
    * Before you add me, let's talk! wink <br />
    * I appreciate PMs. wink <br />
    * Donations are loved. wink <br />
    * What, we have something in common? COOL! smile Let's talk via PM. ;D<br />
    * -huggles- :3 heart <br />
    <br />
    Well, yeah. You can run along and continue your tomfoolery. Byeeee~ee! smile
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