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Hey, you there! With the face!<br />
Your on my turf now, I hope you have a good reason. If not...<br />
I BITE YOUR FACE!!!! <br />
But, I guess while your here I'll brag a bit~<br />
My username is, and as follows-<br />
~Kawaii- Japenese Cute >3<<br />
~Kitty- Meow! I like kitties~<br />
~San- Japenese Honorific, simple as that.<br />
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Now that we've covered the obvious...<br />
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Onto MEH! >:3<br />
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- I love to draw, and Im really getting into it now. I actually joined Deviantart recently to share mah art with the world~ If you want to check out my art (which I've posted! ) My username is Cookiekiitysan. I can offer you art (under poor quality thanks to my Uncle, who made off with the scanner manual and my piece-o-fudge camera) and the writting styles of Kittysan~! <br />
- I love music! It's my calling.<br />
- I play the Flute as my main instrument, then there's the Tenor Saxophone, for Jazz, aaannd Piano and a little guitar for other whatnot. As fav songs go... It's so hard to descide, given all the music I've done... XP - But I do love The solo Spruce Shadows! (For Sax) And... er- Smoke on the water for Flute I Guess. =3=<br />
- I love to read. I've read so many books... I have like 4 bookshelves stocked full of books like Manga, (tch dur) Harry Potter, Island of Blue Dolphins, Peter and the Starcatchers, The Seven realms series, Shiver, The hunger games and well alot of other books!<br />
- I love to write, therefore I am in about 10 RP's >:3 And currently writting a fanfic on Deviantart.com <br />
- I am an absolute finactic about Starfox and Legend of Zelda!!! I's my drug =3=. Im also pretty crazy about Final fantasy and Mass effect, which I might add is just about the best game~ EVA!!!<br />
- If I could live in any game it would have to be Starfox, no doubt!<br />
- Live in a TV show? PA-LEASE! Like I would want to live in the currupt world of Teleivison. <br />
- If I could be anything in the world it would be a fox/human like in Starfox. They're my fav'y animals. =3 =<br />
- AND If I could have any colored eyes, they would be white, fo shooty! xD <br />
- I like pie, cheese, sweet foods, salty foods, Mexican foods and CHOCOLATE.<br />
- Im very special ;D I thought Vinice was in Mexico x3 I thought Mario was Mexican xDD I trip over my own two feet rather often, and I'm prone to sarcatic hicups. -scoff- Huh? No, I have -scoff- Sarcatic hicpus. oDo<br />
- My favoooorite TV shows have to be The Nanny, Pokemon, Digimon, Demetri Martin "Person", Zoey 101, and my fav Avatar: the last Airbender. And well, many moooooorrreeee.<br />
- So yeah, I think that's about good for now. Please feel free to ask questions that don't partain to my Location, real name, or anything personal CUZ I'LL NEVA TELL YOU!!!!<br />
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