- crying penguin's Gallery
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- Artist Info: Hmm... well... i like reading... and writing,.. and recently started to write poetry... and im also hopelessly crushing on some1 >///< ugh love sucks. except when it comes to friends, because friends are THE BEST ^.^
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- Sibling Love
- Photography
- 4 recent comments
A story
I'm in the
process of
writing. I just
figured that
I'd put
the beginning
of it to see
what y - Leaving the Clan
- Fiction
- 4 recent comments
A poem about
myself and how
I truly saw the
world. Still
today it's
how I see it.
It may be
consider - The Observer
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 3 recent comments
A poem I wrote
shortly after
an issue with a
friend. I love
the metaphor of
the body parts
represent - Me
- Poetry And Lyrics
- 7 recent comments
- Snow Slinging
- Photography
- 6 recent comments
- Girl's W...
- Painting And Drawing
- 10 recent comments
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