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Hey. Woah. How'd you get here? <br /><br />
<br />
O H A I D E R.<br />
<br />
...Did someone leave your cage open again?
Oh, it's question time.<br />
<br />
x - - Information<br />
Name: You can call me Imogene. (Yeah, I'm serious.)<br />
Nicknames: Imo, Immy - kins. ( UGH. D: )<br />
Age: 14, going on 15.<br />
Birthplace: Mars.<br />
Current location: East coast. That's all you need to know..<br />
Hair colour: Black<br />
Eye colour: Greenish - Brown<br />
Weight: 115 lbs. o n o<br />
Height: 5 ` 6 `` I think?<br />
Tattoos: Do temporary ones count?<br />
Piercings: Just the traditional one-in-each-ear thing..<br />
Overused phrase: " Yeah, uhm, shut up, ok? "<br />
Horoscope: ARIES.<br />
<br />
x - - Your..<br />
Bedtime: When I feel like it, bitch. D:<<br />
Best physical feature: My legs..?<br />
Most embarrassing moment: I was spying on this guy I liked in second grade. I used to wear lots of dresses and I had a thing for leopard print undies then. I fell behind and tried to catch up by running, and I tripped. My dress went over my head and my cheetah panties were exposed. D: FML.<br />
Most missed memory: Learning to swim. So much water was taken out of the pool and into my lungs.. -sighs- Good times.<br />
First thought when you wake up: " Yes, Axel, I do like sea salt ice cream -- OMFG, I'm awake. DDDx "<br />
Weakness: If you held Axel up in front of my face, I'd melt. Literally.<br />
Best friends: My sister..? I don't really keep anyone close. <-- *is lonely*<br />
Goal for the year: To think of a good goal? Or maybe get a tablet..<br />
Greatest fear: I'm 'fraid of the dark, yo. >;| And, even though I'm great at swimming, I'm afraid of deep water.<br />
<br />
x - - This or that?<br />
Pepsi or Coke?: IT MATTERS, SO MUCH.<br />
McDonald's or Burger King?: McDonald's, hands down.<br />
Hot tea or Iced tea?: HOTTTT.<br />
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla.. -insert racial slur here.-<br />
Water or Milk?: Milk, 'cause it's not water.<br />
Coffee and Hot chocolate?: Both?<br />
Hugs or Kisses?: Depends on how much they're worth.<br />
Cats or Dogs?: Cats. I want to become one of those women who die and leave their belongings to their cats 'cause they're so lonely.<br />
Summer or Winter?: I like both, but more Winter, because they are no JELLYFISH at the beach. >n<<br />
Creepy thrillers or Romantic comedies?: Comedies. I peed myself during MIRRORS. xD<br />
Love or Money?: I can buy people's love with money.<br />
Green grapes or Purple?: Purple. o 3o<br />
<br />
x - - Lover<br />
Preferred eye colour: Blue or green, mostly.<br />
Preferred hair colour: If it's clean and in a cute style, it's ALL good..<br />
Preferred height: At least a few inches taller than me..?<br />
Preferred weight: I don't care? But don't come up to me in some wheelchair with burger wrappers stuck to your lumpy belly and fries between your toes. D<<br />
Looks or personality: Depends on what kind of relationship I'm looking for.<br />
Hot or cute: Cute..~ Hot guys are all jerks. Y'hear me, you hags!? D:<<br />
Skinny, Muscular, or Fat: Lean?<br />
<br />
x - - Favourites<br />
Number: 5, 3, 21 <-- *legal age for alcohol*<br />
Food: Souuuup..<br />
Type of music: I don't know what it's called.. techno? Pop? uh.. rock?<br />
Song: Trick and Treat by Rin && Len Kagamine (Vocaloids)<br />
Singer / Band: The ones that aren't for EMO CHILDREN.<br />
Candy: Foreign sweets are my thang.<br />
Colour: Blue, black, white, red.<br />
Animal: I hate all animals. c:<br />
Body part on the opposite sex: This is a nice question. x] Hmm. I would have to say a find myself attracted to guys with a nice neck, sweet waist, and a smokin' pair of.. eyes. > 3 o<br />
Movie: P.S. I Love You. 'Cause I'm a girl like that. o__O And Alice in Wonderland; the Tim Burton and the Disney version.<br />
Book: ..Alice in Wonderland..<br />
Pasttime: Daydreaming / eating.<br />
<br />
Now you know me. o 3o Sort of.<br /><br /> - Avg. rating:
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