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  • Artist Info: Im worth: 180,000gg<br />
    <br />
    The Names A-Lex<br />
    <br />
    I was SasuNaruAntiDrug<br />
    <br />
    I like:<br />
    Music <br />
    Clay<br />
    My friends<br />
    Explosions<br />
    Fire<br />
    Colors<br />
    Bow N Arrows<br />
    Texting<br />
    Skating<br />
    Computer<br />
    Video Games<br />
    Yaoi<br />
    Drawing<br />
    Math<br />
    Hiking<br />
    Cold<br />
    Haunted Houses and places<br />
    Other stuff I cant think of
    <br />
    <br />
    I Hate:<br />
    School<br />
    YOU naw JK<br />
    Energy Drinks<br />
    Watching more then 2 movies a day<br />
    Glasses<br />
    Biking<br />
    Fishing<br />
    Heat<br />
    Bees<br />
    Bitches<br />
    Oranges<br />
    Liers<br />
    Country<br />
    Other stuff I cant think of
    <br />
    <br />
    Questing:<br />
    User Image<br />
    Estimated Value:<br />
    425,661 Gold<br />
    Needs:<br />
    Dander<br />
    Cloud<br />
    Mythrill Halo
    <br />
  • Avg. rating: