• shenedoah's Gallery
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  • Artist Info: If you want to get to know me. Talk to me I don't bite smile !!! heart In the meantime. I plan to use this space for something else.... Thanking a few people. All the people who make my time spent on Gaia worthwhile~~The peeps I hang out with day in and day out smile when I'm on here. heart <br />
    <br />
    Next I'd like to thank the people who have been donating to me smile <br />
    <br />
    Kanon0015 who is now known by the name of Serafeim15 exclaim <br />
    blacknight-is-117<br />
    im your vampire<br />
    babylotion16<br />
    seanehdoodle <br />
    blackaddersfork<br />
    gerson713 rulez<br />
    Viva La Valo<br />
    Cherry Mark Poppins <br />
    heart <br />
    <br />
    So, basically.... I found this in my inbox from years ago and decided to do it: Thought it might be helpful in the about me section smile exclaim <br />
    <br />
    01. How much time do you spend on gaia? Too much :/.... <br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter A:.<br />
    02. Are you available?: I guess so .-.<br />
    03. What is your age?: 19<br />
    04. What annoys you?: People who are Jerks to put it lightly, ignorance, unreasonable hate, and stupid drama, otherwise not much else I'm a pretty laid back person.<br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter B:.<br />
    05. Do you live in a big house?: People say so >.>!!<br />
    06. When is your birthday?: August 1989 (Read Gaia??)<br />
    07. Who is your best friend?: I have a few actually.<br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter C:.<br />
    08. What's your favorite candy?: Anything that has lots of sugar is good biggrin !!<br />
    09. Who's your crush?: If anyone knows how to sort out hearts..... Lots of help here please :S<br />
    10. When was the last time you cried?: Not sure, maybe a month, but that's probably being generous :O!!<br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter D:.<br />
    11. Do you daydream?: Rarely, probably when I'm beyond bored....<br />
    12. What's your favorite kind of dog?: Border Collie or really any LARGE Dog, that's preferably a herding dog.<br />
    13. What day of the week is it?: Friday in the early morning hours :/<br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter E:.<br />
    14. How do you like your eggs?: Scrambled with things in them...<br />
    15. Have you ever been in the emergency room?: Never surprised <br />
    16. What's the easiest thing ever to do?: Give directions.... I hope the dude didn't get lost surprised <br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter F:.<br />
    17. Have you ever flown in a plane?: Yes<br />
    18. Do you use fly swatters?: Cats deal with those, unless they're not around then they get a second chance at life... BUT if they're eating my plants... they have a very short life when caught<br />
    19. Have you ever used a foghorn?: Don't think so<br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter G:.<br />
    20. Do you chew gum?: Rarely. <br />
    21. Are you a giver or a taker?: Giver<br />
    22. Do you like gummy candies?: Yes biggrin biggrin <br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter H:.<br />
    23. How are you?: Not sure surprised , emotion can be tough to explain <br />
    24. What's your height?: 4'11"<br />
    25. What color is your hair?: Brown with blonde highlights <br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter I:.<br />
    26. What's your favorite ice cream?: Sherbert ^_^<br />
    27. Have you ever ice skated?: Yes<br />
    28. Do you play an instrument?: A few, the main one is flute biggrin <br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter J:.<br />
    29. What's your favorite jelly bean?: Cherry <br />
    30. Have you ever heard a really hilarious joke?: No, if I did.... I'd remember it >.><br />
    31. Do you wear jewelry?: Only when getting dressed up biggrin !!<br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter K:.<br />
    32. Who do you want to kill?: I'm not that kind of person.<br />
    33. Do you want kids?: Yes!<br />
    34. Where did you have kindergarten?: Where I live now....<br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter L:.<br />
    35. Are you laid back?: Always<br />
    36. Do you lie?: Never :S<br />
    37. Ever been in love?: Yeah!! Greatest feeling in the world exclaim heart <br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter M:.<br />
    38. What’s your favorite movie?: I have a few. They follow the pattern of comedy or romance smile !<br />
    39. Do you still watch Disney movies?: On Occasion....<br />
    40. Do you like mangos?: Yes<br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter N:.<br />
    41. Do you have a nickname?: I have a lot xD!!<br />
    42. What's your favorite number?: I have none surprised !!<br />
    43. Do you prefer night over day?: Yes!! Best time ever!!<br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter O:.<br />
    44. What's your one wish? To find my True Love.<br />
    45. Are you an only child?: No<br />
    46. Do you wish this was over?: Life's all good? First time filling one of these out >.> exclaim <br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter P:.<br />
    47. What one fear are you most paranoid about?: Not many things question <br />
    48. What's a personality trait you look for in the opposite sex?: There are a few. One is passion for life heart <br />
    49. Do you still go to the park?: Yes when I can and I go swing and reflect :O!!<br />
    ,<br />
    .:The Letter Q and R:.<br />
    50. Are you quick to judge people?: Never <br />
    51. Do you think you're always right?: No.<br />
    52. Do you watch reality TV?: For the most part no..... unless I'm bored. <br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter S:.<br />
    53. Do you prefer sun or rain?: Sun<br />
    54. Do you like snow?: When there's too much no :<<br />
    55. What's your favorite season?: Fall<br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter T:.<br />
    56. What time is it?: 1:24 AM surprised <br />
    57. What time did you wake up today?: 8:00 AM<br />
    58. When was the last time you slept in a tent?: I can't remember gonk <br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter U:.<br />
    59. Are you wearing underwear?: O.o<br />
    60. Do you prefer underwear or thongs?: O.o<br />
    61. Underwear or boxers?: O.o<br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter V:.<br />
    62. What's the worst veggie?: Brussle Sprouts or Asparagus <br />
    63. Where do you want to go on vacation?: Europe heart <br />
    64. Where was your last family vacation to?: People have those question <br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter W:.<br />
    65. What's your worst habit?: Sometimes over thinking things. >.<<br />
    66. Where do you live?: At home...<br />
    67. Are you worried about anything at the moment? I'm trying to roll like a tire right now >.><br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter X:.<br />
    68. Have you ever had an x-ray?: Depends what kind?? For the most part. If it's a normal one no. <br />
    69. Have you seen the X Games?: What the are X Games?<br />
    70. Do you own a xylophone?: Yes, care to hear a tune biggrin exclaim <br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter Y:.<br />
    71. Do you like the color yellow?: It's bright and cheery, but no, it's not my favorite color. <br />
    72. What year were you born in?: 1989 <br />
    73. What’s one thing you yearn for?: Finding True Love heart <br />
    <br />
    .:The Letter Z:.<br />
    74. What's your zodiac sign?: Leo... at least I got a cool one surprised <br />
    75. Do you believe in the zodiac?: Naw<br />
    76. What's your favorite zoo animal?: Must I choose question
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