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Artist Info:
あの ひか この せなか わ かたはね を なくして まま<br />
________<br />
Name: Akira あきら<br />
Location: Reykjavik, Iceland <br />
Race: Aeshawn and a plethora full o whatnots >:0<br />
________<br />
halló minn nafn er akira<br />
ÉG vilja verða a mikill píanóleikari og hugtak listamaður<br />
Heimspeki er a fallegur hlutur<br />
I find that the world is run by idiots and that people nowadays have an ego that is larger than their intelligence<br />
I have a lust for knowledge <br />
I get annoyed by spelling errors XD<br />
Usually after every sentence, it's going to end with an "XD"<br />
That just shows that I laugh a lot : D<br />
The Kool Aid guy scares me for various reasons<br />
My all time best friend is Sayuri :}D<br />
It's hard for me to trust people nowadays<br />
I've grown to dislike many people <br />
And yet, I've grown to love many<br />
Although, I still need to learn to like myself<br />
You tell me I have problems...<br />
I know that I probably do <br />
I don't really give a damn about some of the people out there making myself feel cold hearted at times.<br />
But of course I can always be a shoulder to cry on.<br />
ALSO!<br />
Please dont beg me to donate gold.<br />
I'll make exceptions to some<br />
so asking me will often lead to an automatic no<br />
________<br />
One of these days, you will see my artwork and Sayuri's as well in lights : D<br />
ég ást þú tora<br />
_________ - Avg. rating:
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