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  • Artist Info: The Last Warrier<br />
    By W. J. Bruce<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    High on bleak, stony rag,<br />
    Unmoving, he sits astride<br />
    His ragged coated pony.<br />
    Only telltale frozen breaths,<br />
    Separate them from<br />
    The still, winter black boles<br />
    Of ancient leafless trees.<br />
    The pony, blown and lame,<br />
    Stands with lowered head,<br />
    Ears flattened to the sound<br />
    Of a distant wolf pack.<br />
    The man on his back,<br />
    All weapons lost,<br />
    Ignores the trickling blood<br />
    From savage wounds,<br />
    Mingling his war paint.<br />
    Eyes burning fiercely<br />
    He strains to find<br />
    The sign he seeks:<br />
    Behind, the sound of enemy<br />
    Draws ever closer.<br />
    At last, faith rewarded,<br />
    He sees far below<br />
    In the deep valley,<br />
    Arriving at the edge<br />
    Of the fast flowing river,<br />
    The great she bear<br />
    With two gamboling cubs:<br />
    To fish the racing salmon,<br />
    Drawn relentlessly toward<br />
    Their age-old spawning ground.<br />
    Silently, the wounded brave<br />
    Offers his final prayer<br />
    To the eternal clan bear;<br />
    Totem and guardian<br />
    Of his battle slain tribe.<br />
    The enemy, exultant,<br />
    Are almost upon him,<br />
    Yet he looks not behind:<br />
    He sees only the Great Spirit,<br />
    Surrounding him kindly<br />
    In loving, firm embrace.<br />
    While the enemy closes in,<br />
    He straightens himself;<br />
    His voice rings loud and clear,<br />
    Echoing across the land<br />
    To the distant cloudless sky.<br />
    One last defiant war cry<br />
    As he spurs on his pony,<br />
    And leaps...<br />
    Into the world of his ancestors
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