• TheAnimeWarriorYami's Gallery
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  • Artist Info:
    Hello! My name is Susan, but you can call me Yami. I love to roleplay in literate roleplays, please do not friend me just to spam up my inbox with a whole bunch of crap roleplay invites. Oh! I love yaoi...like waaayyy too much. I adore yaoi roleplays also. I mostly like fantasy roleplays so literate, yaoi, fantasy roleplays would be my pick.<br />
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    Okay, more about me...Hmmm, I'm an avid reader, I love TimeRiders and Wyrmweald, you know, the unknown treasures. I love movies, being indoors and gaming (though I'm crap at it). I will correct your grammar and I will make you feel bad if you piss me off(which is easily accomplished). Don't think there's much left to put here other then; I'm Irish and I have red hair. Not actual red, you know, orange hair.<br />
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    Any other questions, just pm me. :3
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