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  • Artist Info: I love listening to music, and I love writing. If I'm on the computer I'm listening to music, this is not sometimes, this is all the time. I go somewhat nuts if I don't have music playing while I'm online. Music when writing is a near constant- it varies on what I'm writing what I'm listening to. Despite my love for metal, sometimes a more slow and calm music is all that will be coming from my computer speakers.<br />
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    I listen to music not for the lyrics or message. I listen to it for the feel and flow I sense; I get very energized listening to what some people call 'hardcore metal' because of the power and energy it exerts.<br />
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    I'm spiritual in a sense, yet I'm not part of any religion. I do believe in things that some reject, such as spirits and the like, but for reasons I'll keep off of this. I have no explanation for them beyond I've come across things that are not alive, yet sentient.<br />
    Questions ring through my mind all the time and I always try to find more questions to add to the chaos within my head. I'm not satisfied with someone saying it is that way because it is, I want to look into it until I have found enough paths of questions to sate myself.<br />
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    Anyway, if you want to know more about me, just send a PM. I'm actually very introverted and reserved, even on the internet, but it doesn't mean I don't enjoy conversation. Bear in mind my patterns of speech can slip into more deranged flows- just let me know if I've confused you. I rant a lot x:
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