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  • Artist Info: My username used to be LadyKairaCooper... so you can call me Kaira if you so wish.<br />
    <br />
    Currently Questing:<br />
    Picoltrosso's Urn (any gen) 100k/800k<br />
    <br />
    Here you are still on my profile... and apparently you have nothing better to do that read about me. <br />
    Which is odd, unless you're a very boring person. <br />
    And assuming you're a boring person, I'm going to tell you what is interesting about me. <br />
    Maybe you'll be inspired to spend your time doing something besides reading this.<br />
    <br />
    I love to read... mostly fantasy, sci-fi, and non-fiction.<br />
    I love Facebook... you're not my friend unless I actually know you.<br />
    I love to write... I attempt to write a novel at least every November.<br />
    I love cats... especially my cat, his name is Oscar.<br />
    I love my church... it's a Unitarian Universalist Church.<br />
    I love not telling people things... like that personal info that you want to know.<br />
    I'm going to be a surgeon someday... don't try and stop me.<br />
    I'm going to college next fall... plan to major in Biology and Japanese
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