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  • Arenas
  • Tarot Cards - The Hermit
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Tarot Cards - The Hermit
  • Artist: Lisa Brampton
  • Description: The Hermit represents the end of one phase of your life and the start of another. Problems will be solved, goals will be attained. Banish doubt; it only creates an obstacle between you and your Source. You will find what you are seeking, and take your first step into a whole new world of opportunity.
  • Date: 11/25/2009
  • Tags: tarot cards hermit
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Comments (4 Comments)
  • 07nightshade - 12/07/2009
  • I love your Avi I don't care what the other say and you shouldn't either! One thing I love about this form, you can create whatever you want to create. You don't have to go by the PEOPLE'S GUILD LINES! Good work!
  • Lovers Never Tell - 12/03/2009
  • Also, the hermit is depicted in a black/grey/white robe. He's suppose to represent leaving behind of things unneeded so your avi's cluttered and uses too many 'worldly possesions'. 2/5
  • ..s.k.i.t.t.l.e.s.. - 12/03/2009
  • But the The Hermit never happened to have a smiling face, that is, if you are using the proper deck.... He was also free from excess and stuff that makes you eccentric. So for what you wanted, it is a bit cluttered....
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