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  • Arenas
  • Future of Law Enforcement
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Future of Law Enforcement
  • Artist: Melios the Hoplite
  • Description: In the year 3199,organics have been replaced in the workplace,battle field,and among other things,have become the most trusted robotic android in the world.They do whatever they have been programed to do.This one,is the first android to be made with artificial emotions.His purpose? To protect and serve under the Manhattan police department. Equiped with jet packs,and multiple side-arms and with a state of the art XH1A SMG with a grenade launcher attachment.
  • Date: 10/11/2009
  • Tags: future enforcement
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • Melios the Hoplite - 10/14/2009
  • Some peole,been saying how the items dont have a good "combo". WTF is that? Im not here for "combos" or anything like that, the arena, especially the avi arena, is to show off how creative the avi you made is. If you look at the colors and other things then, your as creative as a orange cone. Its how it looks. Now, go on with your business, and I will too.
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