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  • Arenas
  • The Lone Wanderer
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: The Lone Wanderer
  • Artist: micro831-2
  • Description: There was ones a man who's wife died of a heart attack. and he was desperate to get her back no madder the cost. So he took her body to a shrine because he had herd rumors saying that people can resurrect the dead there. but what he didn't know that it would cost everything he had, his humanity. so although his wife came back, he became something horrible, and he knew that he could never see her again like this. so he ran away and vowed never to return.
  • Date: 12/07/2008
  • Tags: lone wanderor
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • micro831-2 - 12/31/2008
  • if you read the full story in the righting arena then the flute makes sens. i roght a huge story for the desciption but it wouldn't fit so i had to cut some parts but the full story like i said is in the wrighting arena
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