Welcome to Gaia! :: Arenas

  • Arenas
  • Like parallel linesX
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  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Like parallel linesX
  • Artist: Kinder Bueno
  • Description: She feels
    Although her heart is cold,
    She cries, although her Eyes seem they cannot Shed anymore tears.
    She is close to death, Although she is already Dead inside.
    She looks across her Kingdom, in hope he will Come for her one day.

    If she had everything a Princess could have, why Does she feel something is Missing? Why does her Pendant glow whenever he Is near? Why is her face As pale as the moon?

    Could it be?

    Could she have..fallen in Love?
    But him and she,
    Are parallel lines t
  • Date: 07/23/2006
  • Tags: pink halo demonbow
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • Kyrostar - 07/18/2006
  • I really like the avi and the story! Pink and
    black go well together as long as you do it right
    and your story fits in well with the image your
    trying to create. 8/10
  • Washulove - 07/18/2006
  • "She's so lucky / She's a star / But she cry cry
    cries in her lonely heart thinking / 'If there's
    nothin' missin' in my life, then why do these
    tears come at night?'"
  • Sayako_K. - 07/18/2006
  • ok, i have to admit, this is pretty good. the
    cherry earings could be left off but teh rest is
    ok..*looks at thing on face* yea...so 9/10
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