- Title: Samurai Jack
- Artist: Jedi Adam
- Description: Samurai Jack is an animated series created by Genndy Tartakovsky for Cartoon Network. The series follows Jack, a time-displaced samurai, in his singular quest to travel back in time and defeat the tyrannical demon Aku. The series is set to return in 2016.
- Date: 06/29/2016
- Tags: samurai jack
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Comments (4 Comments)
- El Quiu - 07/10/2016
may i suggest you the manhandlers hands and a nose, also the skin tone B might work better
its nice though -3- emotion_yatta - Report As Spam
- taehyungowon - 07/07/2016
- 5/5 yes yes yes
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- WolfQueen Kagome - 07/05/2016
- 5/5 for my childhood!
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- Ria Fox - 07/04/2016
- Ooo! That's a nice yet simple idea! 5/5 for nostalgia you just moved.
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