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  • Arenas
  • Princess Zelda
  • Voting has ended.
  • Voting has ended.
  • Title: Princess Zelda
  • Artist: Kidra risirthid
  • Description: A member of Hyrule's royal family. She is well known for her constant status of "kidnapped" by the evil Ganondorf.
  • Date: 02/18/2009
  • Tags: princess zelda link legend
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • _-Crystal_-_Frost-_ - 03/02/2009
  • Ok, to those who are saying your hair color is wrong, let them know THEY are wrong since Zelda in TP is a dirty blond and if you were to try and get dirty blond on gaia . . . Well, you wouldn't have much luck.
    But her eyes are blue, and their more narrow and slanted (Which we have) and the genie's head piece would work so much better as her crown that the crown you have right now.
  • colors on the wind - 02/28/2009
  • the dress is a very good choice, but i think that her hair is more of a brown, and her mouth should be the straight line, i am not sure as to the eyecolor, but i do love the dress so 3/5
  • Infraspinatus - 02/27/2009
  • I think the dress is as close as you could get on Gaia, but the hair color and eyes are all wrong. Change those, take off the crown and it will be a lot closer to Zelda.
  • tim3hopp3r - 02/27/2009
  • Overdone. But overall... not too bad.
    Her eyes are blue, though, and I don't seem to recall her having a crown.
    Are you going for OoT!Zelda or TP!Zelda? 'Cause to me, you look a lot like TP!Zelda, but the hair colour is wrong.
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