- Title: Lance the Dragon Master
- Artist: oucyan
- Description: Lance is the 4th member of the Elite Four and a master of Dragon Type Pok'e Mon. He Later on Becomes the Pok'e Mon League Champion with his Hacked level 50 and lower Dragonites. He goes from Weakest Champion in GS and HGSS to the second strongest when your rebattle him again HGSS. In the Anime, He is a Member of the Poke mon G-Squad, which is sorta like a precurser to Pok'e Mon Rangers, and owns a red Gyardos instead of a Blue one. He has met Ash in both Johto and Hoenn.
- Date: 07/15/2010
- Tags: lance dragon master pokemon poke
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Comments (7 Comments)
- Lunya Arc - 07/29/2010
- LOL suck a Lickitung.. > w <
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- iKoneko-chan - 07/27/2010
Congrats, I voted 5/5 for this =D - Report As Spam
- Ayase Heart - 07/27/2010
- yay on placing axy,i knew u would,and for all the haters who are gonna whine about this avi, (depressed they didnt and most likely never will place xD) they can suck a lickatung
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- Nostalgiacola - 07/27/2010
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- Demons Pleasure - 07/26/2010
- i like it....but......idk. congrats anyway
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- The Ringed Planet - 07/26/2010
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