- Title: Great Fairy - Majora's Mask
- Artist: Maldoria
- Description: This is a cosplay of the Great Fairy in Zelda: Majora's Mask. She resides in a fairy fountain and when Link visits her fountain she heals his health up to full. The Fairy's hair is actually a different color depending on which fountain you go to and Gaia didn't have the perfect shade for her hair in the reference picture I used. I used this reference picture since this was the same color of the hair on 'the great fairy mask.' But this one matched up the best I thought. Thank you for voting ;3 <3
- Date: 11/20/2009
- Tags: great fairy zelda majora mask
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Comments (7 Comments)
- Deadlikeme22 - 11/28/2009
- she reminds me of Kefka from FF6, scary lol but this is a great cosplay 5/5
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- imatentenfan - 11/28/2009
- She is the creepiest person on that game..>.< Good job, for looking just like her! 5D biggrin
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- Erzebet_Minoru_of_Gotham - 11/28/2009
- i still have that game XD. she creeped me out. and it looks just like her.
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- x-iiKill3r - 11/26/2009
- creepy O_e but you done well OwO
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- x- Miss Misfit - 11/24/2009
- .o. that fairy always kinda scared me in that game e_o BUT 5/5
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- Emo Kuromi Nui - 11/24/2009
- Rate back onegai?
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- Devonana - 11/24/2009
- Lol your right... she Is creepy.... BWAA HAHAHA..... I loled so hard just now.... Childhood flashbacks.... lol 5/5!
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