• Everyone now is quiet in bed,
    But the night sky isn't sleeping,
    Why is it still bright,
    It's around a quarter to 9,
    Where are the stars shining?
    I go outside,
    The stars are hiding,
    The moon is dimmed,
    No black sky lightings,
    The sky is a gray,
    White stars fall to Earth,
    Cold and plesant,
    So calming,
    Around the time of December,
    All things get ready to die,
    All just because these little stars fall down,
    But it isn't all that bad,
    The sky is still singing,
    All things seem to be so happy,
    Animals see it as a time of peaceful sleeping,
    As little children come and play,
    Throwing the stars and laughing away,
    Others see it as a time to cozy,
    Around a fire to share stories with family,
    All these stars aren't bad at all,
    This is the time,
    Of presents and giving,
    For family and friends,
    For laughter and smiles,
    For caring and love,
    New things come,
    But rememeber the past,
    A new beggining,
    A new age,
    A new year,
    A new time,
    So all I have to say,
    To thank the creator of the white stars,
    Thank you for family and friends,
    And thank you for the snow,
    Merry Christmas,
    Happy New Year,
    And may you and your family,
    Have Happy Holidays too.