• Early December
    I put my hand on his shoulder
    And ask the fateful question:
    "Will you go to the dance with me"
    "I don't know"
    He replies slowly
    We e-mail rapidly
    "I'm not dancing with you"
    He says
    "I'd rather play foozball"
    I was ecstatic
    Filling me with Joy to the brim
    "So, will you go with me?"
    I ask just one more time
    "Uh, no thanks"
    Dead inside

    Day of the dance
    Christmas lights
    Music blaring
    Cold rain biting my nose
    Dance like a fool
    Then when a bad song comes on
    I go into the gym
    And he's playing
    Ping-Pong ball
    with another boy
    I walk over
    and give him a nice hug
    in return
    he elbows me in the neck
    "You don't want to kill your friend
    Do you?"
    I ask
    "Who said you were my friend?"
    Dead inside

    I slump to the floor
    Fighting back tears
    He hates me
    He likes everyone
    but me
    Dead inside

    Now I'm trying to forget
    But I see him every day
    In the halls
    During lunch
    In my classes
    And every time I see him
    I feel
    Dead inside