• The holidays are here! The holidays have come!
    Now i get cookies and lots of numnums!
    But one this is missing, something i need
    My loverly friend is lost, lost indeed.
    La la la la la la la la mao mao i sing to see,
    If he will come running to me.
    After minutes of silence, something makes me stare
    I see presents under the tree just laying there
    Intrigued by the sight i try to grab one
    When i see something in the corner that makes me go numb
    It was Boogers smudged in a corner, a very ugly sight
    So i pulled it out with all of my might!
    Now i have everything for my holiday to finally start
    And you must be thinking, "what on earth!? that's a load of fart!"
    But let me explain to make things clear
    Boogers is my teddy bear, my best friend and one i hold very dear!


    the reference picture is a picture of my teddy bear Boogers! <3