• Christmastime is here
    But all is not good cheer
    The world's still full of problems
    The world's still full of tears

    When Christmas morning gets here
    There’ll be kids out on the street
    Women who've been beat
    Families with nothing to eat

    When Christmas morning gets here
    There’ll be no presents underneath some trees
    No job to pay for life-saving surgeries
    No one to listen to the pain of our stories

    When Christmas morning gets here
    And we sing Happy Birthday, Jesus
    There’ll still be a doubting Thomas'
    Denying that God's among us

    When Christmas morning gets here
    There won't be peace on earth
    There won't be joy at a new birth
    There won't be laughter and mirth

    When Christmas morning gets here
    She’ll have cried a million tears
    He’ll have died a thousand years
    We’ll have to wrestle with the fears

    When Christmas morning gets here
    It’s just another day of hard living
    Not a day of thanks and giving
    It’s just another day of...surviving.

    So till Christmas morning gets here
    Won’t you say this prayer with me?
    Lord, I pray that you'll bring
    Peace and joy and love and happiness
    To all the people on this earth