Dear Mista Santah,

    Is a child of small value be allowed to ask for such small things?

    My wish is not of this question,
    Mista Ol' Saint Nick.

    My wish is for this foster and homes for the upcoming pick,
    youngens of two and three then their are children just as me.
    We question such magic for we have none,
    when summer is to come the teachers say we have one
    Plants of marygold and bells on stems; a green thumb they say!

    This is the coldest year we saught,
    more children that the last and before that.
    Other than me, for food they faught!

    Exchange my present to save my loved ones.
    Father and mother I had but once,
    I prayed that time too
    but god didn't hear even though he knew.

    Lillith and tom, billy then rin!

    All stood but by my side at worsts end,
    for them will you defend?

    Thank you Mistah Ol' Saint Nick,
    I leave you with my most cherished gift
    Some cookies my mother had left,
    taste her sweet, bitter descent.